InfoSys 2025 Congress
March 09, 2025 to March 13, 2025 - Lisbon, Portugal

  • ICNS 2025, The Twenty-Second International Conference on Networking and Services
  • ICAS 2025, The Twenty-Second International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
  • ENERGY 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies
  • WEB 2025, The Thirteenth International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments
  • DBKDA 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications
  • SIGNAL 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing
  • BIOTECHNO 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies
  • AIHealth 2025, The Second International Conference on AI-Health

InfoWare 2025 Congress
March 09, 2025 to March 13, 2025 - Lisbon, Portugal

  • ICCGI 2025, The Twentieth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology
  • ICWMC 2025, The Twenty-Second International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications
  • VEHICULAR 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications
  • INTERNET 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Evolving Internet
  • COLLA 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications
  • INTELLI 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications
  • VISUAL 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Applications and Systems of Visual Paradigms
  • HUSO 2025, The Eleventh International Conference on Human and Social Analytics
  • BRAININFO 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Neuroscience and Cognitive Brain Information

DataSys 2025 Congress
April 06, 2025 to April 10, 2025 - Valencia, Spain

  • AICT 2025, The Twenty-Second Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications
  • ICIW 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services
  • ICIMP 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection
  • SMART 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies
  • IMMM 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management
  • INFOCOMP 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation
  • MOBILITY 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users
  • SPWID 2025, The Eleventh International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices and Systems
  • ACCSE 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Computation, Communications and Services

ComputationWorld 2025 Congress
April 06, 2025 to April 10, 2025 - Valencia, Spain

  • SERVICE COMPUTATION 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advanced Service Computing
  • CLOUD COMPUTING 2025, The Sixteenth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization
  • FUTURE COMPUTING 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications
  • COGNITIVE 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications
  • ADAPTIVE 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications
  • CONTENT 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies
  • PATTERNS 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Pervasive Patterns and Applications
  • COMPUTATION TOOLS 2025, The Sixteenth International Conference on Computational Logics, Algebras, Programming, Tools, and Benchmarking
  • BUSTECH 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology
  • AIVR 2025, The Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Immersive Virtual Reality

NexComm 2025 Congress
May 18, 2025 to May 22, 2025 - Nice, France

  • ICDT 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Digital Telecommunications
  • SPACOMM 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications
  • ICN 2025, The Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Networks
  • ICONS 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Systems
  • MMEDIA 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Multimedia
  • PESARO 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications
  • CTRQ 2025, The Eighteenth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service
  • ALLDATA 2025, The Eleventh International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data
  • SOFTENG 2025, The Eleventh International Conference on Advances and Trends in Software Engineering

DigitalWorld 2025 Congress
May 18, 2025 to May 22, 2025 - Nice, France

  • ICDS 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Digital Society
  • ACHI 2025, The Eighteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions
  • GEOProcessing 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services
  • eTELEMED 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine
  • eLmL 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning
  • eKNOW 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management
  • ALLSENSORS 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing
  • SMART ACCESSIBILITY 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments

IARIA Congress 2025, The 2025 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications
July 06, 2025 to July 10, 2025 - Athens, Greece

DigiTech 2025 Congress
July 06, 2025 to July 10, 2025 - Athens, Greece

  • DIGITAL 2025, Advances on Societal Digital Transformation
  • IoTAI 2025, The Second International Conference on IoT-AI
  • GPTMB 2025, The Second International Conference on Generative Pre-trained Transformer Models and Beyond

NexTech 2025 Congress
September 28, 2025 to October 02, 2025 - Lisbon, Portugal

  • UBICOMM 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
  • ADVCOMP 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences
  • SEMAPRO 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing
  • AMBIENT 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies
  • EMERGING 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Emerging Networks and Systems Intelligence
  • DATA ANALYTICS 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Data Analytics
  • GLOBAL HEALTH 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Global Health Challenges
  • CYBER 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems

SoftNet 2025 Congress
September 28, 2025 to October 02, 2025 - Lisbon, Portugal

  • ICSEA 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
  • ICSNC 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
  • CENTRIC 2025, The Eighteenth International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services
  • VALID 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle
  • SIMUL 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation
  • SOTICS 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics
  • INNOV 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies
  • AISyS 2025, The Second International Conference on AI-based Systems and Services

SocSys 2025 Congress
October 26, 2025 to October 30, 2025 - Barcelona, Spain

NetWare 2025 Congress
October 26, 2025 to October 30, 2025 - Barcelona, Spain

  • SENSORCOMM 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications
  • SENSORDEVICES 2025, The Sixteenth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications
  • SECURWARE 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
  • AFIN 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet
  • CENICS 2025, The Eighteenth International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics
  • ICQNM 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Quantum, Nano/Bio, and Micro Technologies
  • FASSI 2025, The Eleventh International Conference on Fundamentals and Advances in Software Systems Integration
  • GREEN 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Green Communications, Computing and Technologies
  • HEALTHINFO 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing

TechWorld 2025 Congress
October 26, 2025 to October 30, 2025 - Barcelona, Spain


ThinkMind // International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, volume 9, numbers 3 and 4, 2016

Type: journal

Notes: A free access journal featuring works submitted on an invitation basis only.

Event editions: - there are 32 editions.

ISSN: 1942-2679

Articles: there are 32 articles

Online Social Networking Software as Ad-Hoc Project Management Software in Capstone Project Courses
Brian Thoms and Evren Eryilmaz
keywords: Social Networking Analysis; Computer Supported Collaborative Work; Collaborative Writing; Project Management; Capstone Project.

Transport Reduction in a Production Grid
Leo van Moergestel, Erik Puik, Daniel Telgen, and John-Jules Meyer
keywords: Multiagent-based manufacturing; production path planning

A Simple Data Cube Representation for Efficient Computing and Updating
Viet Phan-Luong
keywords: Data warehouse; Data mining; Data cube; Data cube update

An Approach to Analyzing the Retirement Satisfaction among Men and Women Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Decision Trees
Ehsan Ardjmand, Gary Weckman, Diana Schwerha, and Andrew Snow
keywords: Retirement Satisfaction; Artificial Neural Networks; Multi-Layer Perceptron; Decision Tree

Automotive User Experience Design Patterns: An Approach and Pattern Examples
Alexander G. Mirnig, Tim Kaiser, Artur Lupp, Nicole Perterer, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Thomas Grah, and Manfred Tscheligi
keywords: design patterns; pattern identification and extraction; pattern reuse

Components for a SOA with ESB, BPM, and BRM - Decision Framework and architectural Details
Andreas Hausotter, Arne Koschel, Malte Zuch, Johannes Busch, and Juri Seewald
keywords: Business Process Management (BPM); Business Rules Management (BRM); Business Rules Management System (BRMS); Enterprise Service Bus (ESB); Service-oriented Architecture (SOA)

Using a Physics Engine in ACT-R to Aid Decision Making
David Pentecost, Charlotte Sennersten, Robert Ollington, Craig Lindley, and Byeong Kang
keywords: Cognitive Architectures; ACT-R; 3D Simulation

Astrophysical-oriented Computational multi-Architectural Framework: Design and Implementation
Dzmitry Razmyslovich and Guillermo Marcus
keywords: Astrophysics; Heterogeneous; Framework; Cluster; GPGPU

Adaptive Parameter-Dependent Output Feedback Controllers Synthesis Through LMI-Based Optimization
Graziano Chesi
keywords: Adaptive Controller; Parameter-dependent; Stability; Linear matrix inequality

Using Neural Networks to Predict the Functionality of Reconfigurable Nano-material Networks
Klaus Greff, Ruud M.J. Van Damme, Jan Koutnik, Hajo Broersma, Julia Mikhal, Celestine P. Lawrence, Wilfred G. Van der Wiel, and Jurgen Schmidhuber
keywords: nano-material network; neural network; simulation; unconventional computation; evolution-in-nanomaterio

Metacognitive Support of Mathematical Abstraction Processes: Why and How - A Basic Reasoning
Hans M. Dietz
keywords: Abstraction; Mathematical Abstraction; Mathematics Education; Mathematical Reading; Metacognition

On the Integration of Lifecycles and Processes for the Management of Structured and Unstructured Content: A Practical Perspective on Content Management Systems Integration Architecture
Hans-Werner Sehring
keywords: content lifecycle, content management, content management processes, content management system, content syndication, digital asset management, multimedia asset management, multimedia database, software architecture, solution architecture, systems integrat

Mobile Text Messaging Quality Assessment
Janusz Henryk Klink
keywords: mobile text messaging; SMS; QoS; QoE; quality assessment

Taming the Complexity of Elasticity, Scalability and Transferability in Cloud Computing - Cloud-Native Applications for SMEs
Peter-Christian Quint and Nane Kratzke
keywords: Cloud-Native Application, Elastic Platform, Microservice, SME, Vendor Lock-In, Container Cluster, Cloud Computing, Elasticity, Scalability, Transferability

VASCO - Digging the Dead Man’s Chest of Value Streams
René Berndt, Nelson Silva, Christian Caldera, Ulrich Krispel, Eva Eggeling, Alexander Sunk, Gerhard Reisinger, Wilfried Sihn, and Dieter W. Fellner
keywords: Value stream mapping; lean management; content authoring

SpMV Runtime Improvements with Program Optimization Techniques on Different Abstraction Levels
Rudolf Berrendorf, Max Weierstall, and Florian Mannuss
keywords: Sparse Matrix Vector multiply (SpMV); vector units; Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD); OpenMP; unrolling; intrinsics

Cost Considerations About Multi-Tenancy in Public Clouds
Uwe Hohenstein and Stefan Appel
keywords: multi-tenancy; databases; cost; SaaS

A Study of Designing Service Model for Sightseeing Using BLE Beacons -To Provide Tourism Information of Traditional Cultural Sites -
Yuko Hiramatsu, Fumihiro Sato, Atsushi Ito, Hiroyuki Hatano, Mie Sato, Yu Watanabe, and Akira Sasaki
keywords: Location-Based Service; BLE Beacon; Local infor- mation; Smartphone Application; World Heritage; Zeigarnik effect

Smartphone functions in photo-elicitation sessions for teachers´continuing professional development
Antonio Bautista, Laura Rayón, Yolanda Muñoz, and Ana María De las Heras
keywords: teacher education; photo-elicitation; digital hybrids; smartphones.

Enhancing the WordNet Exploration and Visualization in Neo4J with a Tag Cloud Based Approach
Enrico G. Caldarola, Antonio Picariello, Antonio M. Rinaldi, and Marco Sacco
keywords: WordNet; Big Data; Data and Information Visualization; Neo4J; Graph Database; NoSQL

You Might Have Forgotten This Learning Content! How the Smart Learning Recommender Predicts Appropriate Learning Objects
Christopher Krauss, Rakesh Chandru, Agathe Merceron, Troung-Sinh An, Miggi Zwicklbauer, and Stefan Arbanowski
keywords: Smart Learning; Forgetting; Learning Companion; Recommendation Engine; Learning Analytics

Integration of Knowledge Resources and Advanced Association Processing for Geosciences and Archaeology
Claus-Peter Rückemann
keywords: Knowledge Discovery; Association Processing; Scientific Knowledge Resources; Universal Decimal Classification; Advanced Computing.

Old Habits as a Resource for Design: On Learning and Un-learning Bodily Knowledge
Tone Bratteteig and Guri Verne
keywords: usability; habits; automated behaviour; automation; participatory design

Iterative Evaluation of a Driver Assistant Client in ICT-Systems in the Context of Urban Logistics and Electric Vehicles
Johan Buchholz, Sebastian Apel, Christian Stolcis, and Volkmar Schau
keywords: Usability; Electric Vehicles; Simulated Environment

Knowledge Graph based Recommendation Techniques for Email Remarketing
László Grad-Gyenge, Hannes Werthner, and Peter Filzmoser
keywords: knowledge graph; recommender system; spreading activation; network science; email remarketing

Supporting the Development and Management of Learning Experiences in Location-Based Mobile Games - The EVANDE project
Dimitris Makris, Konstantinos Makris, Polyxeni Arapi, Stavros Christodoulakis, Iasmi Stathi, Eleni Spiridaki, and Charalampos Fassoulas
keywords: mobile educational games; location-based games; learning experiences; experiential learning

Computing Similarity between Users on Location-Based Social Networks
Soha Mohamed and Alia Abdelmoty
keywords: GeoFolksonomy; User Profiles; Location-based Social Networks.

The KOOLO app - A case study of self-tracking, visualization, and organizing personal moods
Maja van der Velden and Margaret Machniak Sommervold
keywords: lived body, lifeworld; m-health; participatory design; qualitative self; transition; visualization, young patients

Designing for Capacities Rather Than Disabilities - Investigating the relationship between psychomotor capacities and interaction opportunities
Suhas Govind Joshi
keywords: psychomotor abilities; elderly; radio; assistive technology

Smart Cities: Challenges and a Sensor-based Solution - A research design for sensor-based smart city projects
Lasse Berntzen, Marius Rhode-Johannessen, and Adrian Florea
keywords: smart cities; smart buildings; sensors; sustainability; research design

Proof-of-concept Evaluation of the Mobile and Personal Speech Assistant for the Recognition of Disordered Speech
Agnieszka Bętkowska Cavalcante and Monika Grajzer
keywords: dysarthric speech recognition; personal speech assistant; speech recognition for assistive technologies; mPASS platform evaluation.

The implementation of ERP systems in Iranian manufacturing SMEs
Maryam Rezaeian and Martin Wynn
keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning; Total Systems; Iranian SMEs; information systems; ERP; process change; IS strategy; implementation framework.

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