ThinkMind // ACHI 2013, The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions
 Type: conference Download: ACHI 2013 cover page Download: ACHI 2013 foreword page Download: ACHI 2013 committee page Download: ACHI 2013 table of contents Download: ACHI 2013 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Leslie Miller, Iowa State University - Ames, USA Event editions: - there are 14 editions. ISSN: 2308-4138 ISBN: 978-1-61208-250-9 Location: Nice, France Dates: from February 24, 2013 to March 1, 2013 Articles: there are 79 articles Investigating Players’ Affective States in an Interactive Environment Uttam Kokil keywords: user experience; visual aesthetics; computer games; game usability.
Emergent Design System Using Computer-Human Interactions and Serendipity Akira Kito, Yuki Mizumachi, Koichiro Sato, and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka keywords: emergence; design system; interaction; serendipity
Sensory Evaluation Method to Create Pictograms Based on Multiplex Sign Languages Naotsune Hosono, Hiromitsu Inoue, Yuji Nagashima, and Yutaka Tomita keywords: Context of Use; Human Centred Design; Pictogram; Universal Communication; Sensory Evaluation.
Accessibility and Augmented Reality into Heritage Site Interpretation - A Pilot Experience with Visitors at the Monument Lonja de la Seda in Valencia (Spain) Marina Puyuelo Cazorla, José Luís Higón Calvet, Mónica Val Fiel, and Lola Merino Sanjuán keywords: augmented-reality; accessibility; inclusive-design; heritage-sites; interactivity
A Deported View Concept for Touch Interaction Alexandre Alapetite, Rune Fogh, Henning Boje Andersen, and Ali Gürcan Özkil keywords: Keywords-HCI; Tactile interaction; Touch; Blind; Visual attention; Cockpit; In-vehicle systems
Effect of non-Unified Interaction Design of in-car Applications on Driving Performance, Situational Awareness and Task Performance Julia Manner, Christopher Kohl, Michael Schermann, and Helmut Krcmar keywords: interaction design; in-car applications; cognitive load; multi-tasking; multiple-tasks; task complexity
Studying Depth in a 3D User Interface by a Paper Prototype as a Part of the Mixed Methods Evaluation Procedure. Early Phase User Experience Study Leena Arhippainen, Minna Pakanen, and Seamus Hickey keywords: 3D UI; depth; touch screen tablet; paper prototype; user experience.
Studying Four 3D GUI Metaphors in Virtual Environment in Tablet Context. Visual Design and Early Phase User Experience Evaluation Minna Pakanen, Leena Arhippainen, and Seamus Hickey keywords: visual design; user experience; 3D GUI; touch screen tablet device, HCI.
Towards a 3D User Interface in a Tablet Device Context. An Iterative Design and Evaluation Process Leena Arhippainen, Minna Pakanen, and Seamus Hickey keywords: 3D UI; concept design; user experience; touch screen mobile device; tablet.
Subjective Usability of Speech, Touch and Gesture in a Heterogeneous Multi-Display Environment Arnoud P.J. de Jong, Susanne Tak, Alexander Toet, Sven Schultz, Jan Pieter Wijbenga, and Jan van Erp keywords: large display; multi-display environment; multi-touch table; smartphone; speech; gestures
Dynamic Gesture Recognition Based on Fuzzy Neural Network Classifier Ching-Han Chen, Kirk Chang, Nai-Yuan Liu, and Gimmy Su keywords: gesture recognition, fuzzy system, neural network
BrainBrush, a Multimodal Application for Creative Expressivity Bram van de Laar, Ivo Brugman, Femke Nijboer, Mannes Poel, and Anton Nijholt keywords: Creative Expression, Brain-Computer Interface, Multimodal Interaction, P300
Multimodal Human-Robot Interactions: the Neurorehabilitation of Severe Autistic Children Irini Giannopulu keywords: multimodal interactions ; severe autism ; mobile toy robot ; spontaneous free game play ; neural mediator.
What Should a Robot do for you? - Evaluating the Needs of the Elderly in the UK Hagen Lehmann, Dag Sverre Syrdal, Kerstin Dautenhahn, GertJan Gelderblom, Sandra Bedaf, and Farshid Amirabdollahian keywords: elderly care; evaluation of needs; robotic assistive technology
Investigating Child-Robot Tactile Interactions: A Taxonomical Classification of Tactile Behaviour of Children with Autism Towards a Humanoid Robot. Ben Robins, Farshid Amirabdollahian, and Kerstin Dautenhahn keywords: assistive technology; human-robot interaction; autism therapy; robot assisted therapy.
Resource-Efficient Methods for Feasibility Studies of Scenarios for Long-Term HRI Studies Nate Derbinsky, Wan Ching Ho, Ismael Duque, Joe Saunders, and Kerstin Dautenhahn keywords: feasibility studies; experimental methods
Person Identification using Skeleton Information from Kinect Aniruddha Sinha, Kingshuk Chakravarty, and Brojeshwar Bhowmick keywords: Person identification; gait recognition; adaptive artificial neural network(ANN); Kinect; connectionist system
Robot Learning Rules of Games by Extraction of Intrinsic Properties Grégoire Pointeau, Maxime Petit, and Peter Ford Dominey keywords: learning machine; robotics; iCub; Reactable; human-robot interaction; human feedback
”Where is Your Nose?” - Developing Body Awareness Skills Among Children With Autism Using a Humanoid Robot Sandra Costa, Hagen Lehmann, Ben Robins, Kerstin Dautenhahn, and Filomena Soares keywords: Assistive Technologies; Socially Assistive Robots; Human-Robot Interaction; Body Awareness.
An Interactive Game with a Robot: Peoples' Perceptions of Robot Faces and a Gesture-Based User Interface Michael Walters, Samuel Marcos, Dag Sverre Syrdal, and Kerstin Dautenhahn keywords: HRI, Human-Robot-Interaction, Gesture-Based User Interface, Interactive Game Robot
Robust Perception of an Interaction Partner Using Depth Information Salah Saleh, Anne Kickton, Jochen Hirth, and Karsten Berns keywords: social robots; perception; human-robot interaction;
Gesture Recognition for Humanoid Assisted Interactive Sign Language Tutoring Bekir Sıtkı Ertuğrul, Cemal Gurpinar, Hasan Kıvrak, Ajla Kulaglic, and Hatice Kose keywords: Human-robot interaction; autism; imitation games; sign language
Knowledge-driven User Activity Recognition for a Smart House. Development and Validation of a Generic and Low-Cost, Resource-Efficient System Ismael Duque, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Kheng Lee Koay, Ian Willcock, and Bruce Christianson keywords: Activity Recognition; Smart Houses; Context-Aware
Comparison of Simultaneous Measurement of Lens Accommodation and Convergence in Viewing Natural and Stereoscopic Visual Target Tomoki Shiomi, Takehito Kojima, Keita Uemoto, and Masaru Miyao keywords: accommodation, convergence, simultaneous measurement, stereoscopic vision
Study of a FCMAC ANN for Implementation in the Modeling of an Active Control Transtibial Prosthesis Jose Alberto Alves Andrade, Lourdes Mattos Brasil, Everaldo Henrique Diniz, Keli Cristina Vieira Siqueira Borges, Jeann Feitosa Figueiredo, and Rita de Cassia Silva keywords: Active Transtibial Prosthesis, Control, Artificial Intelligence, ANN Neuro-Fuzzy
The Iterative Design and Evaluation Approach for a Socially-aware Search and Retrieval Application for Digital Archiving Dimitris Spiliotopoulos, Ruben Bouwmeester, Dominik Frey, Georgios Kouroupetroglou, and Pepi Stavropoulou keywords: search and retrieval user interfaces; social network information; archiving; preservation; user interface design; usability
Effect of Agent Embodiment on the Elder User Enjoyment of a Game Jérémy Wrobel, Ya Huei Wu, Hélène Kerhervé, Laila Kamali, Anne Sophie Rigaud, Céline Jost, Brigitte Le Pévédic, and Dominique Duhaut keywords: Embodied agent; human-robot interaction; user enjoyment.
Augmenting Remote Trading Card Play with Virtual Characters used in Animation and Game Stories - Towards Persuasive and Ambient Transmedia Storytelling - Mizuki Sakamoto, Todorka Alexandrova, and Tatsuo Nakajima keywords: Empathetic virtual characters; Game design; Augmented reality; Trading card game; Ideological metaphor; Animation and game stories; Physical tangibility; Transmedia storytelling
An Interactive Agent Supporting First Meet Based on Adaptive Entrainment Control Tatsuya Hayamizu, Mutsuo Sano, Kenzaburo Miyawaki, and Kentarou Mukai keywords: Embodied Entrainment; Nonverbal Communication; Introducer Agent; Group Communication Introduction; Social Skills
The Virtual Counselor - Automated Character Animation for Ambient Assisted Living Sascha Fagel, Martin Morandell, Christopher Mayer, and Andreas Hilbert keywords: automatic character animation; embodied conversational agent; ambient assisted living; multimodal user interfaces; audiovisual speech synthesis
AlgoPath’s New Interface Helps You Find Your Way Through Common Algorithmic Mistakes Estelle Perrin and Sébastien Linck keywords: 3D-based training; education; algorithmic; ludic teaching
A Three-Dimensional Interactive Simulated-Globe System Application in Education Wei-Kai Liou and Chun-Yen Chang keywords: three-dimensional; interactive; spherical coordinates; internal coordinates; external coordinate
Virtual Simulation of the Construction Activity: Bridge Deck Composed of Precast Beams Luís Viana and Alcinia Zita Sampaio keywords: Bridge construction; interaction; simulation; virtual reality.
The iPad in a Classroom: A Cool Personal Item or Simply an Educational Tool? Andrea Gasparini and Alma Leora Culén keywords: cool; identity; iPad; education; learning; techno-cools.
Architecture of an Intelligent Tutoring System Applied to the Breast Cancer Based on Ontology, Artificial Neural Networks and Expert Systems Henrique P. Maffon, Jairo S. Melo, Tamara A. Morais, Patrycia B. Klavdianos, Lourdes M. Brasil, Thiago L. Amaral, and Gloria M. Curilem keywords: Intelligent Tutoring System; Expert System; Artificial Neural Network; Ontology
CyPhy-UI: Cyber-Physical User Interaction Paradigm to Control Networked Appliances with Augmented Reality Kenya Sato, Naoya Sakamoto, Shinya Mihara, and Hideki Shimada keywords: appliance; control; cyber-physical; user interface; augmented reality
Luminance Contrast Influences Reaction Time in Young and Older Adults Patrick J. Grabowski and Andrea H. Mason keywords: virtual environment; aging; motor control; reach to grasp; luminance contrast
Networked Visibility: The case of smart card ticket information Maja van der Velden, Alma Leora Culén, Jo Herstad, and Abdulhakeem Atif keywords: Information Visibility; Networked Visibility, Smart Cards; Ticket Information; Mobile Phones
TV Applications for the Elderly: Assessing the Acceptance of Adaptation and Multimodality José Coelho, Pradipta Biswas, Tiago Guerreiro, Gokçen Aslan, Carlos Duarte, and Pat Langdon keywords: accessible applications, elderly, multimodal, simulation, GUIDE
Identifying Cross-Platform and Cross-Modality Interaction Problems in e-Learning Environments André da Silva, Fernanda Freire, and Heloísa da Rocha keywords: Mobile devices and services; Interfaces, interactions and systems for distance education; Interface evaluation; Usability testing and evaluation;
Applying Commercial Digital Games to Promote Upper Extremity Movement Functions for Stroke Patients Lan-Ling Huang, Chang-Franw Lee, and Mei-Hsiang Chen keywords: effectiveness; usability assessment; commercial digital game devices; stroke; upper extremity rehabilitation
Evaluating the Interaction of Users with Low Vision in a Multimodal Environment Clodis Boscarioli, Marcio Seiji Oyamada, Jorge Bidarra, and Marcelo Fudo Rech keywords: PlatMult environment; low vision; usability; accessibility
Bimanual Performance in Unpredictable Virtual Environments: A Lifespan Study Andrea Mason, Drew Rutherford, and Patrick Grabowski keywords: virtual environment; aging; motor control; bimanual reach to grasp
Usability Analysis of Children's iPad Electronic Picture books Pei-shiuan Tsai and Manlai You keywords: Usability; e-Picture Book; iPad Picture book
Evaluating the Impact of Spatial Ability in Virtual and Real World Environments Georgi Batinov, Kofi Whitney, Les Miller, Sarah Nusser, Bryan Stanfill, and Kathleen Ashenfelter keywords: map-based survey, virtual reality, spatial ability
Software Lifecycle Activities to Improve Security Into Medical Device Applications Diogo Rispoli, Vinicius Rispoli, Paula Fernandes, and Lourdes Brasil keywords: information security; security software; hackers; medical software lifecycle; security risks.
“Handreha”: A new Hand and Wrist Haptic Device for Hemiplegic Children Mohamed Bouri, Charles Baur, Reymond Clavel, Christopher John Newman, and Milan Zedka keywords: Hand Rehabilitation; wrist; hemiplegic; children; force feedback; control; virtual reality
Fundamental Study to Consider for Evaluation of A Welfare Device Hiroaki Inoue, Shunji Shimizu, Noboru Takahashi, Hiroyuki Nara, Takeshi Tsuruga, Fumikazu Miwakeichi, Nobuhide Hirai, Senichiro Kikuchi, Eiju Watanabe, and Satoshi Kato keywords: Evaluation; Movement; Exercise; 3D Motion Capture; NIRS; EMG; Care; Welfare Technology; Usefulwelfare device evaluation; Evaluation method.
Haptic Manipulation of Objects on Multitouch Screens: Effects of Screen Elevation, Inclination and Task Requirements on Posture and Fatigue Samantha Scotland, Shwetarupalika Das, Thomas Armstrong, and Bernard Martin keywords: Natural gestures; finger movements; wrist posture; discomfort
Sliding Raised-Dots Perceptual Characteristics Yoshihiko Nomura, Syed Muammar Najib Syed Yusoh, Kazuki Iwabu, and Ryota Sakamoto keywords: cutaneous sensation; fingerpad; sliding; raised dots; counting; speed
1 DOF Tabletop Haptic Mouse for Shape Recognition of 3D Virtual Objects Hiroshi Suzuki, Hiroaki Yano, and Hiroo Iwata keywords: 1 DOF;Mouse Device; Haptic; Image Display; Direct Pointing; Multi-touch Overlay
Usability Study of Static/Dynamic Gestures and Haptic Input as Interfaces to 3D Games Farzin Farhadi-Niaki, Jesse Gerroir, Ali Arya, S. Ali Etemad, Robert Laganière, Pierre Payeur, and Robert Biddle keywords: Usability study, static/dynamic gestures, haptics, 3D game, human factors.
Interactive Dynamic Simulations with Co-Located Maglev Haptic and 3D Graphic Display Peter Berkelman, Sebastian Bozlee, and Muneaki Miyasaka keywords: haptics, interactive systems, simulations
Haptic System for Eyes Free and Hands Free Pedestrian Navigation Nehla Ghouaiel, Jean-Marc Cieutat, and Jean-Pierre Jessel keywords: haptic navigation; augmented reality; mobile computing; human computer interaction.
Haptic Mouse - Enabling Near Surface Haptics in Pointing Interfaces Kasun Karunanayaka, Sanath Siriwardana, Chamari Edirisinghe, Ryohei Nakatsu, and Ponnampalam Gopalakrishnakone keywords: pointing interface; near surface haptic feedback; tactile display; tangible user interface.
Fundamental Study to Consider for Advanced Interface in Grasping Movement Shunji Shimizu, Hiroaki Inoue, and Noboru Takahashi keywords: human hand; grasping force; grasping pattern; brain activity; NIRS
Analyzing the Effects of Virtualizing and Augmenting Trading Card Game based on the Player’s Personality Mizuki Sakamoto, Todorka Alexandrova, and Tatsuo Nakajima keywords: Virtualization and augmentation; Personality; Game design; Augmented reality; Scenarios-based analysis
Influence of Relationship between Game Player and Remote Player on Emotion Masashi Okubo, Tsubasa Yamashita, and Mamiko Sakata keywords: social game; video game; flow theory; collaboration; competition
Reducing the User Burden of Identity Management: A Prototype Based Case Study for a Social-Media Payment Application Till Halbach Røssvoll and Lothar Fritsch keywords: Trust, security, privacy, identity management; e-inclusion, accessibility, usability, universal design; social media/networking applications
Heads Up: Using Cognitive Mapping to Develop a Baseline Description for Urban Visualization Ginette Wessel, Elizabeth Unruh, and Eric Sauda keywords: urban legibility, cognitive mapping, urban visualization
User Support System for Designing Decisional Database Fatma Abdelhédi and Gilles Zurfluh keywords: Multidimensional model; design process; decisional Data-base; decision-makers’ requirements; data-source
Information Needs Of Chinese Mobile Internet Users: A User Study Yanxia Yang and Grace Deng keywords: Internet; mobile Internet; interests; user behavior; web survey; mobile applications
Emotion Recognition using Autonomic Nervous System Responses Byoung-Jun Park, Eun-Hye Jang, Sang-Hyeob Kim, Chul Huh, Myoung-Ae Chung, and Jin-Hun Sohn keywords: emotion; recognition; stimuli; physiological signal; autonomic nervous system responses; neural networks
Classification of Human Emotions from Physiological signals using Machine Learning Algorithms Eun-Hye Jang, Byoung-Jun Park, Sang-Hyeob Kim, Myoung-Ae Chung, Mi-Sook Park, and Jin-Hun Sohn keywords: pain; surprise; boredom; physiological signals; machine learning algorithm
Filling the User Skill Gap Using HCI Techniques to Implement Experimental Protocol on Driving Simulators Ghasan Bhatti, Roland Bremond, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Nguyen-thong Dang, Fabrice Vienne, and Guillaume Millet keywords: Experimental protocol; User-Centered Design; HCI Techniques; Scenario modeling; Driving simulators
Instrumentation and Features Selection Using a Realistic Car Simulator in Order to Perform Efficient Single-User Drunkenness Analysis Audrey Robinel and Didier Puzenat keywords: Instrumentation and Features Selection Using a Realistic Car Simulator in Order to Perform Efficient Single-User Drunkenness Analysis Blood Alcohol Content; Driving; Interface; Artificial Neural Networks; Intelligent systems; Machine learning; Instrumen
Adaptive Simulation of Monitoring Behavior: The Adaptive Information Expectancy Model Bertram Wortelen and Andreas Lüdtke keywords: event expectancy ; cognitive model ; attention allocation ; monitoring behavior ;
Shape Modeling: From Linear Anthropometry to Surface Model Ameersing Luximon and Huang Chao keywords: anthropometric; surface antropometry; recursive regression equation.
A Modular Interface Design to Indicate a Robot’s Social Capabilities Frank Hegel keywords: Social Robots, Industrial Design, Human Factors
Automatic Discrimination of Voluntary and Spontaneous Eyeblinks. Use of the blink as a switch interface Shogo Matsuno, Minoru Ohyama, Kiyohiko Abe, Hironobu Sato, and Shoichi Ohi keywords: Computer interface, Automatic discrimination, Voluntary eye blink, Spontaneous eye blink
Cursor Control Trace: Another look into eye-gaze, hand, and eye-hand pointing techniques Ricardo Sol, Mon-Chu Chen, and José Carlos Marques keywords: pointing; accuracy; gaze; eye; tracking
A Hybrid Tracking Solution to Enhance Natural Interaction in Marker-based Augmented Reality Applications Rafael Radkowski and James Oliver keywords: augmented reality; hybrid tracking; interaction
Evaluating Multi-Modal Eye Gaze Interaction for Moving Object Selection Jutta Hild, Elke Müller, Edmund Klaus, Elisabeth Peinsipp-Byma, and Jürgen Beyerer keywords: moving object selection; eye gaze interaction; multi-modal interaction; experiment; video analysis
Touch-Screens and Elderly users: A Perfect Match? Alma Leora Culén and Tone Bratteteig keywords: Touch Interfaces; Design Method; Elderly Users; Multimodal Interactions
Basic Study for New Assistive System Based on Brain Activity during Car Driving Shunji Shimizu, Hiroaki Inoue, Hiroyuki Nara, Noboru Takahashi, Fumikazu Miwakeichi, Nobuhide Hirai, Senichiro Kikuchi, Eiju Watanabe, and Satoshi Kato keywords: brain information processing during driving task; spatial cognitive task;determining direction; NIRS
Proposal of an Automobile Driving Interface Using Gesture Operation for Disabled People Yoshitoshi Murata, Kazuhiro Yoshida, Kazuhiro Suzuki, and Daisuke Takahashi keywords: automobile driving interface, disabled people, gyro sensor, gesture operation, body part operation
The European MobileSage Project – Situated Adaptive Guidance for the Mobile Elderly Till Halbach Røssvoll keywords: AAL, mobile, application, assistance, help on demand, personalization, adaptive, accessible, usable, multimodal
e-Learning Environment with Multimodal Interaction: A proposal to improve the usability, accessibility and learnability of e-learning environments André da Silva and Heloísa da Rocha keywords: Human-Computer Interaction; Interaction Styles; Multimodal Interaction; Electronic Learning Environment
A.M.B.E.R. Shark-Fin: An Unobtrusive Affective Mouse Thomas Christy and Ludmila I. Kuncheva keywords: Interaction device; Affective gaming; Physiological sensors; Biometric feedback; Emotion