ThinkMind // ACHI 2014, The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions
 Type: conference Download: ACHI 2014 cover page Download: ACHI 2014 foreword page Download: ACHI 2014 committee page Download: ACHI 2014 table of contents Download: ACHI 2014 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Leslie Miller, Iowa State University - Ames, USA Alma Leora Culén , University of Oslo, Norway Event editions: - there are 14 editions. ISSN: 2308-4138 ISBN: 978-1-61208-325-4 Location: Barcelona, Spain Dates: from March 23, 2014 to March 27, 2014 Articles: there are 63 articles Publicly Displayed Interactive Installations: Where Do They Work Best? Rune B. Rosseland, G. Snorre Berge, and Alma Leora Culén keywords: interactive installations; play; public space; user experience; Kinect.
Using the Implicit Association Test for Interface-Based Evaluations Tiago Devezas and Bruno Giesteira keywords: Implicit Association Test; interface evaluation; aesthetics; User Experience
Towards the Tangible Hyperlink Alfredo Pérez Fernández keywords: CHI; Personal Area Network; Tangible User Interface; Privacy.
Interaction With Mobile Devices by Elderly People: The Brazilian Scenario Ricardo Leme, Luciana Zaina, and Vitor Casadei keywords: mobile devices; elderly user; personas
A Set Of Heuristics for User Experience Evaluation in E-commerce Websites Laia Bonastre and Toni Granollers keywords: Heuristic evaluation; E-commerce; User Experience.
Sonification of Large Datasets in a 3D Immersive Environment: A Neuroscience Case Study Panagiota Papachristodoulou, Alberto Betella, and Paul F. Verschure keywords: sonification; XIM; networks; neuroscience; complex data; auditory display
Design Guidelines and Design Recommendations of Multi-Touch Interfaces for Elders Bruno Loureiro and Rui Rodrigues keywords: Human-Computer Interaction; Natural User Interfaces; Multi-Touch Interfaces; Design Guidelines; Elderly
PolyPie: A Novel Interaction Techniques For Large Touch Surfaces With Extended Wall Displays Ihab Maged, Michael Louis, Mohamed Thabet, and Ayman Atia keywords: Large display interaction, extended display, interaction techniques
Trombosonic: Designing and Exploring a New Interface for Musical Expression in Music and Non-Music Domains Oliver Hödl and Geraldine Fitzpatrick keywords: Sound and Music Computing, Interface for Musical Expression, Exploratory Evaluation
Colourful Privacy: Designing Visible Privacy Settings with Teenage Hospital Patients Maja van der Velden and Margaret Machniak keywords: Facebook; participatory design; patient social media; privacy settings; teenage patients; visualisation of privacy
On the Mesurement of Mental Models for Interface Design Ryota Mori and Toshiki Yamaoka keywords: mental model; interface; cognition
Travel Experience Cards: Capturing User Experiences in Public Transportation Alma Leora Culén, Maja van der Velden, and Jo Herstad keywords: service design; interaction design; experience design; customer journeys; experience design cards
Coupling Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms in Redesigning Existing Cities for Flood Resistance Gene Oliver Cruz, Florencio Ballesteros, Jr., and Ariel Blanco keywords: artificial neural networks; genetic algorithms; land use; disaster preparedness
Simplified Customer Segmentation Applied to an Outbound Contact Center Dialer Telmo Ricardo Lopes Alberto and Pedro Mendes da Silva keywords: contact center; customer segmentation; dialer; near real-time business intelligence; business applications.
Find a Book! Unpacking Customer Journeys at Academic Library Alma Leora Culén and Andrea A. Gasparini keywords: service design; service design cards; touch points; innovation; customer journeys; academic libraries
3D Web-Based Shape Modelling: Building up an Adaptive Architecture Ali Abdallah, Oleg Fryazinov, Valery Adzhiev, and Alexander Pasko keywords: Adaptive architecture, 3D shape modelling, WebGL, Collaborative shape modelling, Function Representation
Methodology for Designing User Test Environments to Evaluate Web Accessibility Barriers with Disabled Users Afra Pascual, Toni Granollers, Mireia Ribera, and Jordi Coiduras keywords: Design, User test, Barriers, Web accessibility, Users with disabilities
Comparing Recognition Methods to Identify Different Types of Grasps for Hand Rehabilitation Beatriz Leon, Angelo Basteris, and Farshid Amirabdollahian keywords: grasp posture recognition; stroke rehabilitation; Support Vector Machines; Neural Networks.
Needs and Usability Assessment of a New User Interface for Lower Extremity Medical Exoskeleton Robots Yoon Jung Jeong, Euiyoung Kim, and Homayoon Kazerooni keywords: Design for people with disabilities; User interface design; Exoskeleton; Glove Interface
Interactive Engagment Capabilities as an Indicator of E-Learning Systems’ Usability Aljawharah Al-Muaythir, Khalid Alnafjan, and Lamia Al-Kwai keywords: Interactive Engagment; Usability; E-learning; Open source.
Interactive Systems Adaptation Approaches: A survey Imen Jaouadi, Raoudha Ben Djemaa, and Hanene Ben Abdallah keywords: user interface; adaptation; context of use; HCI
A Tangible Directional-View Display for Interaction Youngmin Kim, Byoungha Park, Kwang-Soon Choi, and Kwang-Mo Jung keywords: Interaction, Directional-View, Ultrasound
HANDY: A Configurable Gesture Recognition System Mahsa Teimourikia, Hassan Saidinejad, and Sara Comai keywords: interactive systems; gesture-based interface; natural HCI; personalizable system
Concepts of Multi-artifact Systems in Artifact Ecologies Henrik Sørensen and Jesper Kjeldskov keywords: artifact ecology, multi-artifact, music system
Following a Robot using a Haptic Interface without Visual Feedback Ayan Ghosh, Lyuba Alboul, Jacques Penders, Peter Jones, and Heath Reed keywords: human robot interaction; haptic interface; support for no-visibility/visually impaired
Posture-Angle Perception and Reproduction Characteristics with Wrist Flexion/Extension Motions Yoshihiko Nomura and Tatsuya Ito keywords: instruction; wrist; flexion; extension; perception: reproduction
Position and Force-direction Detection for Multi-finger Electrostatic Haptic System Using a Vision-based Touch Panel Taku Nakamura and Akio Yamamoto keywords: Surface haptics; Visuo-haptic; Passive haptic system
TouchPair : Dynamic Analog-Digital Object Pairing for Tangible Interaction using 3D Point Cloud Data Unseok Lee and Jiro Tanaka keywords: dynamic pairing;point cloud;tangible interaction;3d gesture;human computer interaction
Rapid Prototyping Spiral for Creative Problem Solving in Developing Countries Shohei Aoki and Koichi Hori keywords: Design method; Prototyping; Design space.
Characteristics, Attributes, Metrics and Usability Recommendations: A Systematic Mapping Franciela Nissola and Fabiane Barreto Vavassori Benitti keywords: Usability Evaluation; Systematic Mapping
Do I Really Have to Accept Smart Fridges? An Empirical Study Bushra Alolayan keywords: technology acceptance model; smart fridge; ubiqioutus computing; acceptance factors
Nonintrusive Multimodal Attention Detection Hugo Jiawei Sun, Michael Xuelin Huang, Grace Ngai, and Stephen Chi Fai Chan keywords: Affective computing; keystroke dynamics; facial expression; multimodal recognition; attention detection
Gamification of a Project Management System Darius Ašeriškis and Robertas Damaševičius keywords: gamification; game design; game mechanics, interface; usability
Non Intrusive Measures for Determining the Minimum Field of View for User Search Task in 3D Virtual Environments Zahen Malla Osman, Jérôme Dupire, Alexandre Topol, and Pierre Cubaud keywords: Field of view, virtual environment, video games, visual attention
Creating a Social Serious Game. An Interdisciplinary Experience Among Computer Scientists and Artists from UNLP Faculties Javier Francisco Díaz, Laura Andrea Fava, Luciano Nomdedeu, Carlos Pinto, Yanina Hualde, Leo Bolzicco, and Vicente Bastos Mendes Da Silva keywords: Serious Game; Social Game; Heritage Culture; Games for kids; Games with kids
What Games Do Jari Due Jessen and Carsten Jessen keywords: computer games; board games; Actor Network Theory; interaction; game research; game design
Towards Essential Visual Variables in User Interface Design Johanna Silvennoinen keywords: visual user interface design; visual variables; user-centered design; human-computer interaction
Traffic Light Assistant -What the UsersWant Michael Krause, Alexander Rissel, and Klaus Bengler keywords: in-vehicle information system; IVIS; nomadic device; tactile detection task; TDT; glance duration
Evaluation of Window Interface in Remote Cooperative Work Involving Pointing Gestures Ryo Ishii, Kazuhiro Otsuka, Shiro Ozawa, Harumi Kawamura, Akira Kojima, and Yukiko Nakano keywords: Remote cooperative work; full gaze awareness; pointing gesture; window interface.
Smartphone-Based 3D Navigation Technique for Use in a Museum Exhibit Louis-Pierre Bergé, Gary Perelman, Mathieu Raynal, Cédric Sanza, Marcos Serrano, Minica Houry-Panchetti, Rémi Cabanac, and Emmanuel Dubois keywords: interaction with smarpthone, 3D navigation, museum exhibit, experiment
A 3D Interface to Explore and Manipulate Multi-scale Virtual Scenes using the Leap Motion Controller Bruno Fanini keywords: Gesture-based interaction; 3D manipulation; real-time; multi-scale
Touchscreen User Motion Anticipation for Usability Improvement Tetsuyou Watanabe and Sawako Furuya keywords: Auxiliary particle filter; anticipation; user intention; touchscreen; table device; user interface
Panoramic Interaction with Interval Data Based on the Slider Metaphor Phillip Kilgore, Marjan Trutschl, and Urska Cvek keywords: range selection; range slider; linear control; interval data interaction; query inversion; visualization interaction; graphical user interfaces.
Electronic Health Records and the Challenge to Master the Patients’ Pathways. Proposals Around a Comparative Analysis (France / Spain). José Maria Biedma and Christian Bourret keywords: Electronic Health Records ; Healthcare ; patients’ pathways ; access ; interoperability.
Resocialization and Metaphor of Social Networks Tréton Cécile and Bourret Christian keywords: ICT; social networks; isolated elderly; situation; frames; life stories; empathy; relational technologies
Transparent Electrostatic Actuator with Mesh-structured Electrodes for Driving Tangible Icon in Tabletop Interface Ryuta Iguchi, Takuya Hosobata, and Akio Yamamoto keywords: tangible media; tabletop interface; human-computer interaction; surface actuator; electrostatic actuator.
Interaction with Real Objects and Visual Images on a Flat Panel Display using Three-DOF Transparent Electrostatic Induction Actuators Norio Yamashita, Kota Amano, and Akio Yamamoto keywords: electrostatic actuator; transparent; three-DOF; visual interaction;
Design Practice in Human Computer Interaction Design Education Alma Leora Culén, Henry N. Mainsah, and Sisse Finken keywords: HCI education; interaction design; studio; design education; multidisciplinary teamwork
Role of Student Interaction Interface in Web-Based Distance Learning Marina Mladenova and Diana Kirkova keywords: web-based distance education; learner-interface interaction; interactive communication
Experimental Study into the Time Taken to Understand Words when Reading Japanese Sign Language Mina Terauchi, Keiko Watanabe, and Yuji Nagashima keywords: Sign Language; predict recognition; transition;
Aurora - Exploring Social Online Learning Tools Through Design Peter Purgathofer and Naemi Luckner keywords: Asynchronous Interaction, E-Learning, E-Portfolio, Electronic Note Taking, Backchannel, Teaching, Design, Newsfeed
Continous Learning Feedback Christian Grund Sørensen keywords: education; assessment; Conceptual Pond; kairos; aptum, continous
Interpreting Psychophysiological States Using Unobtrusive Wearable Sensors in Virtual Reality Alberto Betella, Daniel Pacheco, Riccardo Zucca, Xerxes D. Arsiwalla, Pedro Omedas, Antonio Lanatà, Daniele Mazzei, Alessandro Tognetti, Alberto Greco, Nicola Carbonaro, Johannes Wagner, Florian Lingenfelser, Elisabeth André, Danilo De Rossi, and Paul F.M.J. Verschure keywords: Affect analysis, affective states, ecological validity, EDR, HRV, wearable sensors, XIM
Trace-based Task Tree Generation Patrick Harms, Steffen Herbold, and Jens Grabowski keywords: task; tree; generation; usage-based; traces
Modeling User's State During Dialog Turn Using HMM For Multi-modal Spoken Dialog System Yuya Chiba, Masashi Ito, and Akinori Ito keywords: multi-modal information processing; user's state; spoken dialog system
Modeling the Determinants of Medical Information Systems Majed Alshamari and Mohamed Seliaman keywords: Usability testing; usability measures; medical system
An Embodied Group Entrainment Characters System Based on the Model of Lecturer's Eyeball Movement in Voice Communication Yoshihiro Sejima, Tomio Watanabe, Mitsuru Jindai, Atsushi Osa, and Yukari Zushi keywords: Human Interface; Human Interaction; Embodied Communication; Group Interaction; Eyeball Movement.
Persona Usage in Software Development: Advantages and Obstacles Jane Billestrup, Jan Stage, Lene Nielsen, and Kira Storgaard Hansen keywords: Personas, software development, questionnaire survey, grounded theory
Effects of Wind Source Configuration of Wind Displays on Property of Wind Direction Perception Width of Wind Velocity Distribution and Accuracy of Wind Source Alignment Takuya Nakano, Yuya Yoshioka, and Yasuyuki Yanagida keywords: Wind sensation, Sensory property, JND
Usability Evaluation of Digital Games for Stroke Rehabilitation in Taiwan Mei-Hsiang Chen, Lan-Ling Huang, and Chang-Franw Lee keywords: commercial video game; stroke; upper extremity rehabilitation
BOrEScOPE – Exoskeleton for Active Surgeon Support during Orthopedic Surgery Peter Pott, Markus Hessinger, Roland Werthschützky, Helmut Schlaak, Eugen Nordheimer, Essameddin Badreddin, and Achim Wagner keywords: exoskeleton; orthopedic surgery, human-machine interaction; twisted-string actuation; behavior-based system decomposition
A Real-Time Architecture for Embodied Conversational Agents: Beyond Turn-Taking Bahador Nooraei, Charles Rich, and Candace Sidner keywords: engagement; interruption; turn-taking; backchannel; barge-in; schema; BML; arbitration
Communicative Capabilities of Agents for the Collaboration in a Human-Agent Team Mukesh Barange, Alexandre Kabil,, Camille De Keukelaere, and Pierre Chevaillier keywords: Human interaction with autonomous agents, Cooperation, Dialogue Management, Decision-Making