ThinkMind // COGNITIVE 2014, The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications
 Type: conference Download: COGNITIVE 2014 cover page Download: COGNITIVE 2014 foreword page Download: COGNITIVE 2014 committee page Download: COGNITIVE 2014 table of contents Download: COGNITIVE 2014 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Hakim Lounis, UQAM, Canada Darsana Josyula, Bowie State University; University of Maryland, College Park, USA Event editions: - there are 15 editions. ISSN: 2308-4197 ISBN: 978-1-61208-340-7 Location: Venice, Italy Dates: from May 25, 2014 to May 29, 2014 Articles: there are 46 articles Modeling Interaction in Automated E-Coaching - A Case from Insomnia Therapy Robbert Jan Beun, Fiemke Griffioen-Both, René Ahn, Siska Fitrianie, and Jaap Lancee keywords: cooperative agent; interaction model; e-coaching; cognitive behavioral therapy; insomnia
Towards Agent-based Data Privacy Engineering Kato Mivule keywords: Data privacy engineering; autonomous agents; statistical disclosure control
Improving Skills Management using Objectives within a Multi-Agent System Olivier Chator and Jean-Marc Salotti keywords: Multi-agent systems; objectives; skills; governance
Discriminative Learning of Relevant Percepts for a Bayesian Autonomous Driver Model Mark Eilers and Claus Möbus keywords: Probabilistic Driver Models; Bayesian Autonomous Driver Models; Machine-Learning; Structure-Learning; Discriminative Learning
Modelling Spatial Understanding: Using Knowledge Representation to Enable Spatial Awareness in a Robotics Platform Martin Lochner, Charlotte Sennersten, Ahsan Morshed, and Craig Lindley keywords: Human Robot Interaction; Autonomous Navigation; Knowledge Representation; Spatial Ontology
Consensus Making Algorithms based on Invariants Perception for Cognitive Sharing in Multi-Robot Shodai Tomita, Kosuke Sekiyama, and Toshio Fukuda keywords: cognitive sharing; multi-robot; consensus making
The Role of of Expert Judgement in Optimising Preventive Maintenance and System Architecture Shawulu Nggada and Yiannis Papadopoulos keywords: Maintenance; expert judgement; optimisation; genetic algorithm.
Two Approaches to Implementing Metacognition Emily Hand, Darsana Josyula, Matthew Paisner, Elizabeth McNany, Donald Perlis, and Michael Cox keywords: Metacognition; Dialog Management
Recognition of Unspoken Words Using EEG Signals May Salama, Loa'ay ElSherif, Haytham Lashin, and Tarek Gamal keywords: electroencephalograhic signal; unspoken speech; recognition.
Motorsport Driver Workload Estimation in Dual Task Scenario. A Methodology for Assessing Driver Workload in a Racing Simulator Luca Baldisserri, Riccardo Bonetti, Francesco Pon, Leandro Guidotti, Maria Giulia Losi, Roberto Montanari, Francesco Tesauri, and Simona Collina keywords: Distraction; driver; dual task; motorsport; multitasking; racing; simulator; stress; track; training; workload
ACT-R Meets Usability Nele Russwinkel and Sabine Prezenski keywords: Keywords-usability; cognitive modeling; ACT-R; mobile applications;
HORUS: A Configurable Reasoner for Dynamic Ontology Management Giovanni Lorenzo Napoleoni, Maria Teresa Pazienza, and Andrea Turbati keywords: Ontology Management; Reasoner; Formal Language
An Ontology and Brain Model-based Semantic Discovery and Visualization System Xia Lin, Mi Zhang, Yue Shang, and Yuan An keywords: Information visualization; Brain models for information retrieval; Semantic browsing; Neuroscience ontology; Visual interface design
Linked Closed Data Using PKI: A Case Study on Publishing and Consuming data in a Forensic Process Tamer Fares Gayed, Hakim Lounis, and Moncef Bari keywords: Linked Open Data; Linked Data Principles; Linked Closed Data; Public Key Infrastructure; Digital Certificates, Cyber Forensics, Chain of Custody
Using Resevoir Computing for Wind Ramp Events Classification and Prediction Tatyana Mendonça Pio dos Santos and Mêuser Jorge Silva Valença keywords: ramp events; wind power forecast; reservoir computing; neural networks; mlp.
Missing Categorical Data Imputation for FCM Clusterings of Mixed Incomplete Data Takashi Furukawa, Shin-ichi Ohnishi, and Takahiro Yamanoi keywords: clustering; incomplete data; mixed data; FCM.
Evaluating AOU e-Learning Platform Based on Khan's Framework Bayan Abu-Shawar keywords: e-Learning platform; Khan’s framework; LMS; e-Learning; blended learning.
Emotion Classification Based on Bio-Signals Using Machine Learning Algorithms Eun-Hye Jang, Byoung-Jun Park, Sang-Hyeob Kim, Myung-Ae Chung, Yeongji Eum, and Jin-Hun Sohn keywords: bio-signal; feature extraction; machine learning algorithm
Cognitive Robotics: For Never was a Story of More Owe than This Emanuel Diamant keywords: Cognitive robotics; information; physical information; semantic information.
Mechanical Cognitivization Gideon Avigad and Avi Weiss keywords: cognitive robotics; developmental robotics; evolutionary algorithms.
A Design of Memory-based Learning Classifier usign Genteic Strategy for Emotion Classification Byoung-Jun Park, Eun-Hye Jang, Sang-Hyeob Kim, Chul Huh, and Myung-Ae Chung keywords: memory-based learning; emotion classification; pysiological signals; genetic algorithms
A HMM Model Based on Perceptual Codes for On-line Handwriting Generation Hala Bezine, Wafa Ghanmi, and Adel Alimi keywords: Human reading; Cursive handwriting synthesis; Hidden Markov Models; Global perceptual codes; Beta-elliptic model.
How to Make Robots Feel and Social as Humans Aleksandar Rodić and Miloš Jovanović keywords: emotional intelligence; emotion-driven behavior; social robots; embodied mind; affective computing;
A Study of Retrieval Algorithms of Sparse Messages in Networks of Neural Cliques Ala Aboudib, Vincent Gripon, and Xiaoran Jiang keywords: associative memory; sparse coding; parsimony; iterative retrieval; threshold control
Cognitive Linguistic Representation of Legal Events: Towards a Semantic-based Legal Information Retrieval Anderson Bertoldi, Rove Luiza de Oliveira Chishman, Sandro José Rigo, and Thaís Domênica Minghelli keywords: knowledge representation; semantic modeling; semantic frames; legal information retrieval.
Automatic Classification of Cells Patterns for Triple Negative Breast Cancer Identification Juan Luis Fernandez-Martınez, Ana Cernea, Enrique J. de Andres-Galiana, Primitiva Menendez-Rodriguez, Jose A. Galvan, and Carmen Garcıa-Pravia keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Cognition; Cells Patterns; Triple Negative Breast Cancers (TNBC); Machine Learning
An Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network for Cognitive Decisions Gang Leng, Anjan Kumar Ray, Thomas Martin McGinnity, Sonya Coleman, Liam Maguire, and Philip Vance keywords: interval type-2 fuzzy system; self-organising fuzzy neural network; cognitive decisions; modelling capability; robustness
Robust Detection and Tracking of Regions of Interest for Autonomous Underwater Robotic Exploration Ángel Alejandro Maldonado Ramírez, Luz Abril Torres Méndez, and Edgar Alonso Martínez García keywords: visual attention models; regions of interest; superpixel segmentation; feature tracking; underwater vision
Creating Confidence Intervals for Reservoir Computing’s Wind Power Forecast using the Maximum likelihood method and the Distribution based method Breno Menezes and Mêuser Valença keywords: Reservoir Computing, Confidence Intervals, Maximum Likelihood Method, Distribution Fit.
A Comparative Study of Neural Network Techniques to Perform Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Lara Dantas and Mêuser Valença keywords: Reservoir Computing; Alzheimer’s Disease; Neural Network
Using Reservoir Computing for Forecasting of Wind Power Generated by a Wind Farm Bruna Aguiar and Mêuser Valença keywords: Reservoir computing; forecasting of wind power, artificial neural network, MLP
Training a Cognitive Agent to Acquire and Represent Knowledge from RSS feeds onto Conceptual Graphs Alexandros Gkiokas and Alexandra I. Cristea keywords: Cognitive Agent; Reinforcement Learning; Conceptual Graphs; Expert Systems; Imitation Learning.
Cognitive Social Simulation and Collective Sensemaking: An Approach Using the ACT-R Cognitive Architecture Paul R Smart and Katia Sycara keywords: collective cognition; sensemaking; distributed cognition; team sensemaking; cognitive architecture.
Handling Seasonality using Metacognition Kenneth M'Bale and Darsana Josyula keywords: Metacognition;Learning;Reasoning;Situated Agents;Autonomous Agents
Toward Modeling Task Difficulty: The Case of Chess Dayana Hristova, Matej Guid, and Ivan Bratko keywords: Task Difficulty, Problem Solving, Search Trees, Chess, Chess Tactical Problems, Eye Tracking,
The GATM Computer Assisted Reasoning Framework in a Security Policy Reasoning Context Johan Garcia keywords: Security policies; GATM; Reasoning; Argumentation
Towards a Cloud-Based Architecture for 3D Object Comprehension in Cognitive Robotics Charlotte Sennersten, Ahsan Morshed, Martin Lochner, and Craig Lindley keywords: Eye Tracking/Steering; Human Robot Interaction; Knowledge base; Ontology.
The Behavioural Motivation Model in Open Distance Learning Oleg Zaikin, Magdalena Malinowska, Lise Busk Kofoed, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, and Andrzej Żyławski keywords: motivation model; computer learning platform; knowledge repository; non-cooperative game
The Virtual Patient Simulator of Deep Brain Stimulation in the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Based on Connectome and 7 Tesla MRI Data Giorgio Bonmassar and Nikos Makris keywords: -virtual patient simulator; VPS; deep brain brain stimulation; DBS; obsessive compulsive disorder; OCD; MRI; CT; MRI safety; specific absorption rate; SAR; connectome; 7 Tesla MRI
System for Evaluation of Cognitive Performance under the Emotional Stressors Kresimir Cosic, Sinisa Popovic, Bernard Kovac, Davor Kukolja, Dragutin Ivanec, and Tanja Jovanovic keywords: cognitive-emotional interactions; cognitive performance; emotional distractions; cognitive-motor test; multimodal physiological, vocal, facial, and EEG responses
Altered Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Internet Addicts Jin-Hun Sohn, Ji-Woo Seok, Suk-Hee Kim, and Sunju Sohn keywords: Resting-state fMRI; Internet addicts; Functional connectivity; Orbitofrontal cortex
Evaluating Data Storytelling Strategies: A Case Study on Urban Changes Flavia De Simone, Federica Protti, and Roberta Presta keywords: Human Reasoning; Data Storytelling; Eye Tracking.
A Brain-Computer Interface Speller with a Reduced Matrix: A Case study in a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Ricardo Ron-Angevin, Sergio Varona-Moya, Leandro da Silva-Sauer, and Trinidad Carrión-Robles keywords: Brain-Computer Interface; P300; Speller; T9 interface, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Visual Awareness in Mind Model CAM Zhongzhi Shi, Jinpeng Yue, and Gang Ma keywords: visual awareness; CAM; visual objective processing; visual spatial processing
How the Relationship Between Information Theory and Thermodynamics Can Contribute to Explaining Brain and Cognitive Activity: An Integrative Approach Guillem Collell and Jordi Fauquet keywords: negentropy; brain thermodynamics; cognitive models; information theory.
Is Word Generalization for Novel Concepts Modelled by Similarity or by Formal Concepts? Sujith Thomas and Harish Karnick keywords: Human Word Learning; Hypothesis Space; Word Generalization; Formal Concepts; Object Similarity.