ThinkMind // ICCGI 2013, The Eighth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology
 Type: conference Download: ICCGI 2013 cover page Download: ICCGI 2013 foreword page Download: ICCGI 2013 committee page Download: ICCGI 2013 table of contents Download: ICCGI 2013 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: John Terzakis, Intel, USA Constantin Paleologu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania Tibor Gyires, Illinois State University, USA Event editions: - there are 15 editions. ISSN: 2308-4529 ISBN: 978-1-61208-283-7 Location: Nice, France Dates: from July 21, 2013 to July 26, 2013 Articles: there are 50 articles Restoring Information Needed for Social Internetworking Analysis from Anonymized Data Francesco Buccafurri, Daniele Caridi, Gianluca Lax, Antonino Nocera, and Domenico Ursino keywords: Social Network; Social Network Analysis; Social Internetworking System; Anonymized Data; Clustering
The Impact of the Internet and the World Wide Web On Distance and Collaborative Learning Franklyn Chukwunonso, Roliana Binti Ibrahim, Ali Bin Selamat, Adamu Idama, and Wadzani A. Gadzama keywords: Internet; World Wide Web; distance learning; e-learning; collaborative learning.
A New Approach Based on Computer Vision and Collaborative Social Networking for Environmental Preservation: Theory, Tools and Results of Italian ACI Project Maria Grazia Albanesi and Roberto Albanesi keywords: Land use, territory fragmentation, anthropentropy crowdsourcing, social network, UGC, morphological operators
Impact of the Network Structure on the SIR Model Spreading Phenomena in Online Networks Marek Opuszko and Johannes Ruhland keywords: online social networks, information diffusion
Using Quick Response Codes For Student Interaction During Lectures Robert Law keywords: QR Codes; Student Interaction; Feedback.
Administration of Knowledge Assessment at Riga Technical University Natalija Prokofjeva, Alla Anohina-Naumeca, and Olga Lebedeva keywords: computer-based learning, knowledge assessment, experts' survey
ICT Related Tasks and Challenges in the New Model of Technical Teacher Training György Molnár and András Benedek keywords: ICT, learning network, Web 2.0 communication, e-portfolio
The Impact of Requirements on Software Quality Across Three Product Generations John Terzakis keywords: requirements specification; requirements defects; reviews; software defects; software quality; multi-generational software products.
A Review of Domain-Specific Modelling and Software Testing Teemu Kanstren keywords: domain-specific modelling; software testing; test automation
Lack of Software Engineering Practices in the Development of Bioinformatics Software Dhawal Verma, Jon Gesell, Harvey Siy, and Mansour Zand keywords: Requirements engineering; bioinformatics; agile; UP; SSADM; domain engineering
Pinpoint Analysis of Software Usability Divya K. V. Dasari, Dan E. Tamir,, Oleg V. Komogortsev,, Gregory R. LaKomski, and Carl J. Mueller keywords: Software Development; Software Usability; Human Computer Interaction; Pinpoint Analysis.
Gender Classification of Face with Moment Descriptors Wen-Shiung Chen, Po-Yi Lee, and Lili Hsieh keywords: Moment; Face Recognition; Gender Classification
Artificial Immune Memory Formed by Dynamics of Antibody Networks Chung-Ming Ou and Chung-Jen Ou keywords: immune network; immune memory; antibody chain; internal image
High Performance Grid Environment for Parallel Multiple Biological Sequence Alignment Plamenka Borovska, Veska Gancheva, and Nikolay Landzhev keywords: artificial bee colony; bioinformatics; GRID computing; multiple sequence alignment; portal
A New Method of Vehicle Initiative Safety: Heart Sound Acquisition and Identification Technology Cheng Yu-han and Ma Yong keywords: Vehicle initiative safety; Heart sound acquisition and identification; Independent sub-band function; Degree of heart sound signal certainty
Global Illumination-Invariant Fast Sub-Pixel Image Registration Andrew Gilman and Arno Leist keywords: image registration; sub-pixel; direct; least-squares optimal; linear computational complexity
Filtering of Large Signal Sets: An Almost Blind Case Anatholi Torokhti, Phil Howlett, and Hamid Laga keywords: large signal sets; filtering; least squares linear estimator
A P300-Based Word Typing Brain Computer Interface System Using a Smart Dictionary and Random Forest Classifier Faraz Akram, Hee-Sok Han, and Tae-Seong Kim keywords: P300; Brain Computer Interface; Word Typing; Human Computer Interaction
Research and Application of the Radar Intelligent Fault Diagnosis System Based on Dual-Mode Fusion Cheng Xie-feng and Cheng Hui-zhong keywords: Fault Diagnosis; wavelet BP Neural Network; Case-Based Reasoning; Dual-Mode Fusion
Automated Analysis of CT Slices for Detection of Ideal Midline from Brain CT Scans Xuguang Qi, Sharad Shandilya, Ashwin Belle, Rosalyn Hargraves, Charles Cockrell, Yang Tang, Kevin Ward, and Kayvan Najarian keywords: ideal midline;IML; midline shift; MLS; CT slice; SSA; mid-sagittal plane
Actual Brain Midline Detection using Level Set Segmentation and Window Selection Xuguang Qi, Ashwin Belle, Sharad Shandilya, Rosalyn Hargraves, Charles Cockrell, Yang Tang, Kevin Ward, and Kayvan Najarian keywords: actual midline; ventricle; CT slice; window selection; level set segmentation
Detection of Brain Tumor Using Zernike Moments on Magnetic Resonance Images Kiran Thapaliya and Goo-Rak Kwon keywords: Zernike moments; Zernike polynomials; Mean; MRI; Segmentation
A Meta Model-Based Web Framework for Domain Independent Data Acquisition Dominic Girardi, Johannes Dirnberger, and Johannes Trenkler keywords: Meta-Modelling; Web-based Data Acquistion; Generic Data Acquisition Systems
Cancer and Deadly Infection in Institutions: Developing Use Cases for an MBE Application to Prevent another Enron or Barings Thang Nguyen keywords: Management by Exceptions; biologically-inspired system; bankruptcy prevention
Temporal Data Management Michal Kvet and Anton Lieskovsky keywords: conventional table; temporal table; uni-temporal model; valid time;
Evaluation of Visual structure for Industrial size Software Product Line Architecture Abeer Khalid and Salma Imtiaz keywords: software product line architecture; information visualization; visual structure
A Novel Multiple Attributes Decision Making Approach For Multimedia Session Selection Tein-Yaw Chung, Ibrahim Mashal, Fong-Ching Yuan, Yuan-Hao Chiang, and Osam Alsaryrah keywords: 4G; ABC; ABNC; MADM; AHP; SAW.
A Novel Algorithm for Selecting Multimedia Network Connections in Next Generation Networks Tein-Yaw Chung, Ibrahim Mashal, Fong-Ching Yuan, Yuan-Hao Chiang, and Osama Alsaryrah keywords: 4G; ABC; ABNC; MADM; AHP; SAW; Utility.
Reducing Power Consumption using Improved Wakelock on Android Platform Joonkyo Kim and Jaehyun Park keywords: Energy-aware systems; power management; Android; Wakelock
Using an Individual-Based Model of Uneven-Aged Forests for Studying Trade-off Between Timber Production and Deadwood Preservation Bruno Bonté, Valentine Lafond, Thomas Cordonnier, and Jean-Denis Mathias keywords: Individual-based model; complexity; forest management; multi-functional performance
Stability analysis of global FCFS and presorting service discipline Willem Mélange, Joris Walraevens, Dieter Claeys, Bart Steyaert, and Herwig Bruneel keywords: queueing, stability, blocking, global FCFS, presorting
Development of Logistical Model Based on Integration of Ontology, Multi-Agent Approach and Simulation Konstantin Aksyonov, Eugene Bykov, Olga Aksyonova, and Alena Nevolina keywords: logistics; decision support; simulation; expert system; frame; UML
An Eclipse Plug-in for Aspect-Oriented Bidirectional Engineering Oscar Pulido-Prieto and Ulises Juárez-Martínez keywords: AspectJ; CaesarJ; UML; Software Engineering; Reverse Engineering
Strategic Goal Oriented Supplier Selection Chang Joo Yun and Chung-Hsing Yeh keywords: strategic suppliers; strategic goal oriented weighting method; Multi-criteria Decision Making
Enacting a Requirement Engineering Process with Meta-Tools: an Exploratory Project Sana Damak Mallouli and Saïd Assar keywords: meta-modeling; intentional process modeling; meta-CASE; MetaEdit+; execution semantics
Finding an Optimal Model for Prediction of Shock Outcomes through Machine Learning Sharad Shandilya, Xuguang Qi, Kayvan Najarian, Kevin Ward, Michael Kurz, and Rosalyn Hargraves keywords: predictive model; overfitting; machine learning; defibrillation success; parameter search.
A Design of Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request Scheme based on FlexRay used for Smart Hybrid Powerpack Leilei Shi, Jekwang Choi, and Hunmo Kim keywords: FlexRay; HARQ; SHPP
Sensor Web Deployment Using Informed Virtual Geographic Environments Mehdi Mekni keywords: Informed Virtual Geographic Environments; Sensor Web; Geographic Deployment; Multi-Agent Geo-Simulation
Block Algorithm and Its Implementation for Cholesky Factorization Jianping Chen, Zhe Jin, Quan Shi, Jianlin Qiu, and Weifu Liu keywords: Numerical computation; Cholesky factorization; matrix blocking; cache use.
Multiagent Genetic Optimization to Solve the Project Scheduling Problem Konstantin Aksyonov and Anna Antonova keywords: Project scheduling; genetic algorithms; simulation; subcontract work optimisation.
Robust Optimization for Stochastic Wireless CDMA/TDMA Networks Belarmino Núñez, Pablo Adasme, Ismael Soto, and Abdel Lisser keywords: Stochastic programming; distributionally robust optimization; code division and time division multiple access, wireless networks
Towards an Efficient Handling of the Maximum Triangle Packing Problem Youcef Abdelsadek, Francine Herrmann, Imed Kacem, and Benoît Otjacques keywords: packing problems; maximum triangle packing; heuristics; computational study.
Trial Testing Efficiency of Algorithms for Task Execution in Multi-Processor Systems Magdalena Respondek, Leszek Koszalka, Iwona Pozniak-Koszalka, and Andrzej Kasprzak keywords: multiprocessor system; tasks scheduling; algorithm; time efficiency; simulation
Preprocessing of Binary Executable Files Towards Retargetable Decompilation Jakub Křoustek and Dušan Kolář keywords: reverse engineering, decompilation, packer detection, unpacking, executable file, Lissom
EKOCA: Energy Aware Overlapping Multihop Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks Eman Ramadan, Moustafa A. Youssef, Magdy Abd-ElAzim Ahmed, and Mohamed Nazih El-Derini keywords: Clustering; energy aware clustering; multihop clus- tering; overlapping clustering; sensor networks
Quantum Key Distribution over Collective Amplitude Damping Quantum Channels Elloa B. Guedes and Francisco M. de Assis keywords: Quantum Key Distribution; One-Time Pad; Decoherence-Free Subspaces and Subsystems.
Live Replication of Virtualized VoIP Servers Jiri Hlavacek and Robert Bestak keywords: VoIP; system availability; virtualization; live replication.
Reasoning About Consistency of Relational Knowledge Bases Tadeusz Pankowski keywords: knowledge bases; data integration; integrity constraints; data exchange; ontology-based data management
Predicting Early Students with High Risk to Drop Out of University using a Neural Network-Based Approach Miguel Angel Gil Rios, Norma Griselda Reyes Ávila, María Dolores Juárez Ramírez, Emmanuel Espitia Rea, Julio César Mosqueda Gómez, and Myriam Soria García keywords: artificial neural networks; students drop out; early prediction; university drop out
A Kinetic Light Shelf Unit as an Integrated Intelligent Control Device for Optimizing Interior Illumination Ok-Kyun Im, Kyoung-Hee Kim, and Seung-Hoon Han keywords: Kinetic Building Facade; Light Shelf Unit; KLSU, Optimized Louver; Integrated Intelligent Control Device