ThinkMind // ICNS 2011, The Seventh International Conference on Networking and Services
 Type: conference Download: ICNS 2011 cover page Download: ICNS 2011 foreword page Download: ICNS 2011 committee page Download: ICNS 2011 table of contents Download: ICNS 2011 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain Steffen Fries, Siemens, Germany Mary Luz Mouronte López, Ericsson, Spain Ron J. Kovac, Ball State University, USA Event editions: - there are 15 editions. ISSN: 2308-4006 ISBN: 978-1-61208-133-5 Location: Venice/Mestre, Italy Dates: from May 22, 2011 to May 27, 2011 Articles: there are 59 articles Comparative Analysis and Tests of Intelligent Streaming Video on Demand for Next Generation Networks: Two Colombian Study Cases Juan Zabala, Margarita Diaz, Elvis Gaona, and Harold Chamorro keywords: Intelligent Streaming, Video on Demand, Next Generation Networks, TCP and UDP, Network Efficiency
A Workflow Platform for Simulation on Grids Toan Nguyen, Laurentiu Trifan, and Jean-Antoine desideri keywords: workflows; fault-tolerance; resilience; simulation; distributed systems; high-performance computing
Preemptive Channel Allocations for Cellular Networks with Multiple Sectors Chia-Nan Lin and Tsang-Ling Sheu keywords: Preemptive channel allocations; multiple sectors; cellular networks; blocking probability; Markov chains;
Ubiquitous Home-Based Services Jean-Charles Grégoire keywords: SIP; SDP; MSRP; Home monitoring; Home Services.
Improvement of Job Scheduling for Automatic Chain Processing in Radio Occultation Context Lorenzo Mossucca, Olivier Terzo, Manuela Cucca, and Riccardo Notarpietro keywords: radio occultation; grid computing; local scheduler; global scheduler; job scheduling.
IEEE 802.11n MAC Mechanisms for High Throughput: a Performance Evaluation Miguel A García, M. Angeles Santos, and José Villalón keywords: IEEE 802.11n; aggregation; block ACK; reverse direction
GeoWiFi: A Geopositioning System Based on WiFi Networks Jaime Lloret, Jesus Tomas, Alejandro Canovas, and Irene Bellver keywords: Geopositioning; WiFi location; Wifi placement; WiFi tracking.
Estimation of Packet Loss Probability from Traffic Parameters for Multimedia over IP Ahmad vakili and Jean-Charles Gregoire keywords: Packet loss probability; estimation; stochastic traffic process.
Recent Trends in TCP Packet-Level Characteristics Per Hurtig, Wolfgang John, and Anna Brunstrom keywords: traffic measurement; TCP; reordering
Weighted Fair Resource Sharing Without Queuing Delay Benedek Kovács keywords: Network management, Service level agreement, Overload control, Traffic shaping, Fair sharing, Maximal throughput
From IPv4 to IPv6 – Data Security in the Transition Phase Tomasz Bilski keywords: IPv4; IPv6; Internet security
An Optimized Port Allocation Mechanism in the Context of A+P for Public IPv4 Address Sharing Xiaohong Deng, Lan Wang, and Daqing Gu keywords: IPv6 migration; Dual-stack Lite; A+P; Port randomization.
Analysis of Security Vulnerability in Cooperative Communication Networks Ki Hong Kim keywords: CoopMAC, Cooperative Communication, Security Vulnerability, Authentication
Analysis on IPv6 Transition Solutions and Service Tests Xiaohong Deng, Lan Wang, Tao Zheng, Daqing Gu, and Eric Burgey keywords: IPv6 migration; Dual-stack Lite; NAT64/DNS64; AplusP.
An Encryption Scheme for Color Images Based on Chaotic Maps and Genetic Operators El-Sayed El-Alfy and Khaled Al-Utaibi keywords: image encryption; chaotic maps; genetic operator; information hiding; data security.
The Impact of Corporate Culture in Security Policies – A Methodology Edmo Lopes Filho Lopes Filho, Joao Henrique Pereira de Souza Souza, Albene Teixeira Chaves Chaves, Gilberto Tadayoshi Hashimoto Hashimoto, and Pedro Frosi Rosa Rosa keywords: security policy; awareness; culture, congruence model
Future Architectures for Public Warning Systems Michelle Wetterwald, Christian Bonnet, Daniel Camara, Sebastien Grazzini, Jérome Fenwick, Xavier Ladjointe, and Jean-Louis Fondere keywords: tsunamis; alerting; public warning systems; broadcasting networks
Virtual Use Method of CGI by DACS Web Service Based on the Next Generation PBNM Scheme Called DACS Scheme Kazuya Odagiri, Syogo Shimizu, and Naohiro Ishii keywords: CGI; DACS Scheme; PBNM; destination NAT; packet filtering
Routing optimization in the transmission network Mary Luz Mouronte, María Luisa Vargas, and Paloma Martínez keywords: ; route lookup optimization; SDH, WDM; transmission network features; transmission network elements; boundary conditions
One Approach to Improve Bandwidth Allocation Fairness in IP/MPLS Networks Using Adaptive Treatment of the Traffic Demands Tarik Čaršimamović, Enio Kaljić, and Mesud Hadžialić keywords: Adaptation layer; algorithm; bandwidth allocation; blocking frequency; dynamic adaptation structure; development methodology; fairness; LSP; mpls; NGN; proportional-priority coefficient; RSVP
Network Interface Grouping in the Linux Kernel Vlad Dogaru, Octavian Purdila, and Nicolae Țăpuș keywords: Linux, kernel, network, device, scalability, grouping, iproute2
Unified Language for Network Security Policy Implementation Natalia Miloslavskaya and Dmitry Chernyavskiy keywords: Network Security Policy, Network Security Appliances, Formal Language, Syntax, Grammar, Translator
Network Security Threats and Cloud Infrastructure Services Monitoring Murat Mukhtarov, Natalia Miloslavskaya, and Alexandr Tolstoy keywords: Cloud computing, Infrastructure as a Service, Virtual Infrastructure, Application Hosting, Network Security
Adaptive Scheduling Scheme for Multicast Service in Multiuser OFDM System Lee JooHyung, Lee JongMin, Choi SeongGon, and Choi JunKyun keywords: Multicast, MCS efficiency, OFDM, Scheduling.
Provisioning Service Differentiation for Virtualized Network Devices Suk Kyu Lee, Hwangnam Kim, Jun-gyu Ahn, Kwang Jae Sung, and Jinwoo Park keywords: Network Virtualization, Scheduling Policy, Virtual Box, Virtual Machine
The Effects of Cell Size on Total Power Consumption, Handover, User Density of a Base Station, and Outage Probability Youngmi Lim, Joo Hyung Lee, and Jun Kyun Choi keywords: cell size, base station power consumption, handover, user population density, outage probability
Mobile QoS provisioning by Flow Control Management in Proxy Mobile IPv6 Taihyong Yim, Tri M. Nguyen, Youngjun Kim, and Jinwoo Park keywords: Mobility; PMIP; Flow-based traffic management; Admission Control
Resource-Efficient Class-based Flow Mobility Support in PMIPv6 domain Jiwon Jang, Seil Jeon, Younghan Kim, and Jinwoo Park keywords: Proxy Mobile IPv6; PMIPv6; flow mobility; class-based flow mobility
User to User adaptive routing based on QoE Hai Anh Tran, Abdelhamid Mellouk, and Said Hoceini keywords: Quality of Service (QoS), Quality of Experience (QoE), Network Services, Routing System, Autonomous System, Pseudo Subjective Quality Assessment (PSQA), Reinforcement Learning
A hierarchical Wireless Network Architecture for Building Automation and Control Systems Mohammad Mostafizur Rahman Mozumdar, Alberto Puggelli, Alessandro Pinto, Luciano Lavagno, and Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli keywords: Sensor Networks, Building Automation Systems, Implementation
An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Multiple MSSs in IEEE 802.16e Network Wen-Hwa Liao, Chen Liu, and Sital Prasad Kedia keywords: IEEE 802.16e; scheduling; WiMAX; wireless.
Data Gathering System for Watering and Gas Pipelines Using Wireless Sensor Networks Radosveta Sokullu, Mustafa Alper Akkas, and Fahrettin Demirel keywords: wireless sensor networks; remote monitoring;nesC; TinyOS; water pipeline; TelosB; pressure sensor.
Design of a Control Algorithm for a 2x3 Optical Switch Fakher Eldin M. Suliman and Samia K. Hassan keywords: photonic switch; multistage network; wide-sense nonblocking; control algorithm
Energy-efficient Optimizations of the Authentication and Anti-replay Security Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Laura Gheorghe, Răzvan Rughiniș, and Nicolae Țăpuș keywords: wireless sensor networks, security, authentication, anti-replay, integrity, reliability, energy-efficiency
Stateful or Stateless Flooding Attack Detection? Martine Bellaïche and Jean-Charles Grégoire keywords: Denial of Service; SYN Flooding; TCP Handshake; Network Security.
Investigation of Visible Light Communication Transceiver Performance for Short-Range Wireless Data Interfaces Hongseok Shin, Sungbum Park, Kyungwoo Lee, Daekwang Jung, Youngmin Lee, Seoksu Song, and Jinwoo Park keywords: Visible light Communication; Free-space optical communications; optical wireless
Design and Implementation of a BitTorrent Tracker Overlay for Swarm Unification Calin-Andrei Burloiu, Razvan Deaconescu, and Nicolae Tapus keywords: Peer-to-Peer, BitTorrent, tracker, unification, TSUP, swarm
Dependable Routing Protocol Considering the k-Coverage Problem forWireless Sensor Networks Hamza Drid, Laszlo Gonczy, Samer Lahoud, Gabor Bergmann, and Miklos Molnar keywords: Fault tolerance; Sensor Networks; k-coverage; Routing; Protection;
Practising Problem Solving Using Mobile Technologies Richard Seaton keywords: Mobile technologies; learning; problem solving.
An Integrated TDMA-Based MAC and Routing Solution for Airborne Backbone Networks Using Directional Antennas Yamin Al-Mousa, William Huba, and Nirmala Shenoy keywords: Airborne Backbone Network, Cluster formation, TDMA, Routing, MAC, Directional Antennas
Right-time Path Switching Method for Proxy Mobile IPv6 Route Optimization Yujin Noishiki, Yoshinori Kitatsuji, and Hidetoshi Yokota keywords: Proxy Mobile IPv6; Route Optimization; Path Switch Optimization
A Novel Key Management Protocol in Body Area Networks Jian Shen, Sangman Moh, and Ilyong Chung keywords: Body Area Networks (BANs); security; privacy; sensor association; key management;
Towards Knowledge-driven QoE Optimization in Home Gateways Bjørn J. Villa and Poul E. Heegaard keywords: QoE, Home Gateway, Adaptive Services
Efficient Mobile IP Location Update Mechanism for Idle Terminals in Optical Wireless Integrated Access Networks S.H. Shah Newaz, Raja Usman Akbar, Youngmi Lim, Gyu Myoung Lee, Noel Crespi, and JunKyun Choi keywords: Mobile IP; Energy saving; Converged; Passive Optical Networks; Location Update
Versatile Configuration and Deployment of Realistic Peer-to-Peer Scenarios George Milescu, Răzvan Deaconescu, and Nicolae Țăpuș keywords: Peer-to-Peer, BitTorrent, infrastructure, automation
Deploying a High-Performance Context-Aware Peer Classification Engine Mircea Bardac, George Milescu, and Adina Magda Florea keywords: classification; BitTorrent context-awareness; peer-to-peer
Parallel Measurement Method of System Information for 3GPP LTE Femtocell Choong-Hee Lee and Jae-Hyun Kim keywords: LTE; Femtocell; System Information Measurement
A Performance Study of Conventional and Bare PC Webmail Servers Patrick Appiah-Kubi, Ramesh Karne, and Alexander Wijesinha keywords: Operating Systems; Bare Machine Computing; Webmail servers; Performance; Email
Performance of Soft Reservation-based Soft Frequency Reuse Scheme for Cellular OFDMA Systems Hye-Joong Kang, Jin W. Park, and Chung G. Kang keywords: inter-cell interference coordination; soft fractional reuse; soft reservation; multi-user diversity; OFDMA
A Distributed Cooperative Trust Based Intrusion Detection Framework for MANETs Sureyya Mutly and Guray Yilmaz keywords: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks; Trust Management; Intrusion Detection Systems
Packet Tracer as an Educational Serious Gaming Platform Ammar Musheer, Oleg Sotnikov, and Shahram Shah Heydari keywords: Packet Tracer; Serious Gaming; Multiuser; Collaborative; Cisco Networking Academy; Emerging Teaching Methods; Simulation; Online Teaching
Classroom-based Multi-player Network Simulation Andrew Smith keywords: packet tracer; practice based; collaborative; Cisco; virtual labs; Networking Academy; CCNA; Supported Open Learning; gaming;
Low-Cost Pre-Evaluation of New Educational Programs Bowen Hui, Bruce Hardy, Yvonne Pratt, and Rob Kershaw keywords: decision theory, ICT skills
Solutions for virtual laboratory Peter Feciľak, Katarína Kleinová, and František Jakab keywords: virtual laboratory, Q-in-Q tunneling, AToM, Knowledge evaluation
Enhancing Cisco NetAcad Student Learning Experience with an Integrated Learning Platform Mihai Logofatu and Cristian Logofatu keywords: learning platform; productivity; student experience; management; retention; online; satisfaction.
Building Interactive Multi-User In-Class Learning Modules For Computer Networking Oleg Sotnikov, Ammar Musheer, and Shahram Shah Heydari keywords: blended learning; packet tracer; multiuser; simulation; teaching; ccna; cisco; networking;Cisco academy;
Network Simulation and Remote Laboratory Systems for students with Vision Impairment Iain Murray and Alan Ng keywords: Remote laborartories, network simulaltion, Assistive technology, blind, vision impairment
An Evaluation of Blended Learning Components of the Cisco Network Academy Using a Rasch Model Kevin Sealey keywords: curriculum evaluation; blended learning; Rasch model, student
THe effectiveness of Blended Distance Learning: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis within ICT Learning Ron Kovac and Kristen DiCerbo keywords: Blended distance learning; e-learning; teacher training