ThinkMind // ICSEA 2015, The Tenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
 Type: conference Download: ICSEA 2015 cover page Download: ICSEA 2015 foreword page Download: ICSEA 2015 committee page Download: ICSEA 2015 table of contents Download: ICSEA 2015 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Roy Oberhauser, Aalen University, Germany Luigi Lavazza, Università dell'Insubria - Varese, Italy Herwig Mannaert, University of Antwerp, Belgium Stephen Clyde, Utah State University, USA Event editions: - there are 14 editions. ISSN: 2308-4235 ISBN: 978-1-61208-438-1 Location: Barcelona, Spain Dates: from November 15, 2015 to November 20, 2015 Articles: there are 76 articles Patterns for Specifying Bidirectional Transformations in UML-RSDS Sobhan Yassipour-Tehrani, Shekoufeh Kolahdouz-Rahimi, and Kevin Lano keywords: Bidirectional transformations; transformation design patterns; UML-RSDS
Towards a Framework for Software Product Maturity Measurement Mohammad Alshayeb, Ahmad Abdellatif, Sami Zahran, and Mahmood Niazi keywords: Product Quality; Software Product Maturity; Product Maturity Assessment; Product Maturity Levels; Product Maturity Model Integration (PMMI); Product Maturity Assessment Method (PMAM).
An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Developers in Code Smell Introduction Leandro Alves, Ricardo Choren, and Eduardo Alves keywords: Code smells; exploratory study; software development and maintenance; development teams
The Object Oriented Petri Net Component Model Radek Kočí and Vladimír Janoušek keywords: Object Oriented Petri Nets; DEVS; component platform; interface consistency
“Free” Innovation Environments: Lessons learned from the Software Factory Initiatives Davide Taibi, Valentina Lenarduzzi, Muhammad Ovais Ahmad, Kari Liukkunen, Ilaria Lunesu, Martina Matta, Fabian Fagerholm, Jürgen Münch, Sami Pietinen, Markku Tukiainen, Carlos Fernández-Sánchez, Juan Garbajosa, and Kari Systä keywords: Software Factory; Experience Report
Performance Exploring Using Model Checking A Case Study of Hard Disk Drive Cache Function Takehiko Nagano, Kazuyoshi Serizawa, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yasuyuki Tahara, and Akihiko Ohsuga keywords: performance; model checking; embedded system.
Towards a Better Understanding of Static Code Attributes for Defect Prediction Muhammed Maruf Öztürk and Ahmet Zengin keywords: Defect prediction; Low level metrics; Metric derivation
Communication and Coordination Challenges Mitigation in Offshore Software Development Outsourcing Relationships: Findings from Systematic Literature Review Rafiq Ahmad Khan, Siffat Ullah Khan, and Mahmood Niazi keywords: Global Software Development; Software Outsourcing; Communication and Coordination challenges and its Solutions/Practices; SLR
Adapting Heterogeneous ADLs for Software Architecture Reconstruction Tools Dung Le, Ana Nicolaescu, and Horst Lichter keywords: Software Architecture; Architecture Reconstruction; Model-To-Model Transformation; Architecture Description Language; Unified Modeling Language.
Verifying and Constructing Abstract TLA Specifications: Application to the Verification of C programs Amira Methni, Matthieu Lemerre, Belgacem Ben Hedia, Serge Haddad, and Kamel Barkaoui keywords: Temporal Logic of Actions; formal specification; model-checking; C programs; refinement mapping
Revisiting The Package-level Cohesion Approaches Waleed Albattah and Suliman Alsuhibany keywords: Cohesion; package; metric; measurement; software
Towards a Technical Debt Management Framework based on Cost-Benefit Analysis Muhammad Firdaus Bin Harun and Horst Lichter keywords: technical debt management; code smells; architecture smells; refactoring; cost-benefit analysis
Design and Implementation of Business Logic Layer Object-Oriented Design versus Relational Design Ali Alharthy keywords: object-oriented design; relational design; requirement changes; maintenance
Pymoult : On-Line Updates for Python Programs Sébastien Martinez, Fabien Dagnat, and Jérémy Buisson keywords: On-line updates Python Software maintenance
Aiming Towards Modernization: Visualization to Assist Structural Understanding of Oracle Forms Applications Kelly Garces, Edgar Sandoval, Rubby Casallas, Camilo Alvarez, Alejandro Salamanca, Sandra Pinto, and Fabian Melo keywords: program comprehension; reverse engineering; tools; clustering algorithms; model-driven engineering; graphical editors
Effects of Recency and Commits Aggregation on Change Guide Method Based on Change History Analysis Tatsuya Mori, Anders Hagward, and Takashi Kobayashi keywords: change guide, software repository mining, commit history, software maintenance
Towards Flexible Business Software Ahmed Elfatatry keywords: Flexibility; Document Oriented Systems; presentation layer
EBGSD: Emergence-Based Generative Software Development Mahdi Mostafazadeh, Mohammad Reza Besharati, and Raman Ramsin keywords: generative software development; phenomenon; emergence; conceptual model
A GPU-aware Component Model Extension for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems Gabriel Campeanu, Jan Carlson, and Severine Sentilles keywords: Embedded Systems; Component-based Development; Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems; GPU Component Model
Soft System Stakeholder Analysis Methodology Markus Kelanti, Jarkko Hyysalo, Jari Lehto, Samuli Saukkonen, Markku Oivo, and Pasi Kuvaja keywords: Software Intensive Systems; Stakeholder; Stakeholder Analysis; Action Research
Publish/Subscribe Cloud Middleware for Real-Time Disease Surveillance Silvino Neto, Márcia Valéria, Plínio Manoel, and Felipe Ferraz keywords: middleware; google cloud pub/sub; google cloud platform; FHIR
Requirement’s Variability in Model Generation from a Standard Document in Natural Language Juliana Greghi, Eliane Martins, and Ariadne Carvalho keywords: requirements modeling; variability management; aerospace domain.
An Approach to Compare UML Class Diagrams Based on Semantical Features of Their Elements Oksana Nikiforova, Konstantins Gusarovs, Ludmila Kozacenko, Dace Ahilcenoka, and Dainis Ungurs keywords: semi-automatic diagram comparison; conformity verification; UML class diagram
Model-Based Evaluation and Simulation of Software Architecture Evolution Peter Alexander, Ana Nicolaescu, and Horst Lichter keywords: Software Architecture Reconstruction; Software Architecture Evaluation; Software Architecture Simulation; Software Architecture Viewpoint; Software Architecture
Towards Time-triggered Component-based System Models Hela Guesmi, Belgacem Ben Hedia, Simon Bliudze, Saddek Bensalem, and Jacques Combaz keywords: Time-Triggered paradigm, correct-by-construction, component-based design, model transformation, BIP framework
A User-App Interaction Reference Model for Mobility Requirements Analysis Xiaozhou Li and Zheying Zhang keywords: Mobility; Mobile application; Requirements; Context; Situational Context; Interaction;
Design and Implementation of a Tool to Collect Data of a Smart City Through the TV Glaydstone Teixeira and Felipe Ferraz keywords: mini-pc; middleware; crowdsensing
Comparison of Educational Project Management Tools Rafael Gonçalves and Christiane Wangenheim keywords: Project Management; Project Management Tool; PMBOK; Teaching; Education; Open-source.
Model-Driven Engineering of Software Solutions for QoS Management in Real-Time DBMS Salwa M'barek, Leila Baccouche, and Henda Ben Ghezala keywords: Model Driven Engineering; QoS management; Real-Time DBMS; model transformations; reuse.
An Approach for Reusing Software Process Elements based on Reusable Asset Specification: a Software Product Line Case Study Karen D. R. Pacini and Rosana T. V. Braga keywords: Software Process; Process Reuse; Software Product Line; RAS; Reusable Asset Specification.
An Extensible Platform for the Treatment of Heterogeneous Data in Smart Cities Cícero A. Silva and Gibeon S. A. Júnior keywords: Smart Cities; Software Architecture; Extensibility
Improving the Application of Agile Model-based Development: Experiences from Case Studies Kevin Lano, Hessa Alfraihi, Sobhan Yassipour-Tehrani, and Howard Haughton keywords: Model-based development (MBD); Model-driven development (MDD); Agile development
Metrics Framework for Cycle-Time Reduction in Software Value Creation - Adapting Lean Startup for Established SaaS Feature Developers Pasi Tyrväinen, Matti Saarikallio, Timo Aho, Timo Lehtonen, and Rauno Paukkeri keywords: cycle-time; agile; software engineering process; lean startup; feedback; SaaS
A Context-Driven Approach for Guiding Agile Adoption: The AMQuICk Framework Hajer Ayed, Benoît Vanderose, and Naji Habra keywords: agile software development; software process customization; agile context; agile practice selection.%
Kanban in Industrial Engineering and Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review Muhammad Ovais Ahmad, Jouni Markkula, Markku Oivo, and Bolaji Adeyemi keywords: Kanban; software development; systematic literature review; lean, agile, Kanban variants
Efficient ETL+Q for Automatic Scalability in Big or Small Data Scenarios Pedro Martins, Maryam Abbasi, and Pedro Furtado keywords: Algorithms; architecture; Scalability; ETL; freshness; high-rate; performance; scale; parallel processing
The Role of People and Sensors in the Development of Smart Cities: A Systematic Literature Review Italberto Figueira Dantas and Felipe Silva Ferraz keywords: Smart City, Sensors, IoT, People Open Innovation
A Knowledge Base for Electric Vehicles in Inner-City Logistics Volkmar Schau, Johannes Kretzschmar, Thomas Prinz, and Paul Hempel keywords: logistics, knowledge base, electric vehicles
Building a Service Manager For a Smart City Archicture Gutemberg Cavalcante, Felipe Ferraz, and Guilherme Medeiros keywords: security; smart city; architecture; services
Intersection of MPS.BR-E and SPICE Models Focused on Projects for the Automotive Industry Vanessa Matias Leite, Jandira Guenka Palma, and Emmanuel da C. Gallo keywords: Automotive SPICE; MPS.BR; Software Quality
Quality-Based Score-level Fusion for Secure and Robust Multimodal Biometrics-based Authentication on Consumer Mobile Devices Mikhail Gofman, Sinjini Mitra, Kevin Cheng, and Nicholas Smith keywords: Multimodal biometrics; quality; score-level fusion; mobile
An Approach for Sensor Placement to Achieve Complete Coverage and Connectivity in Sensor Networks Monia Techini, Ridha Ejbali, and Mourad Zaied keywords: Placement; Random; WSN; Coverage; Connectivity
Dynamic Symbolic Execution using Eclipse CDT Andreas Ibing keywords: Testing; Program analysis; Symbolic execution.
Evaluating the Usability of Mobile Instant Messaging Apps on iOS Devices Sergio Caro-Alvaro, Antonio Garcia-Cabot, Eva Garcia-Lopez, Luis de-Marcos, and Jose-Javier Martinez-Herráiz keywords: Instant messaging; mobile usability; keystroke level modeling; mobile heuristic evaluation
Multi-Criteria Test Case Prioritization Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Sahar Tahvili, Mehrdad Saadatmand, and Markus Bohlin keywords: Software testing, Test case prioritization, MCDM, Fuzzy AHP, NFR, Fault detection
Analysis of Optimization Requirement of Mobile Application Testing Procedure Manish Kumar, Kapil Kant Kamal, Bharat Varyani, and Meghana Kale keywords: Mobile Application Testing; Optimization; Graphic User Interface ( GUI ); SQLite
Property Based Verification of Evolving Petri Nets Yasir Imtiaz Khan and Ehab Al-Shaer keywords: Software evolution, Re-verification, Model checking, Iterative refinements, Slicing
Dynamic Evolution of Source Code Topics Khaled Almustafa and Mamdouh Alenezi keywords: Open source; Source code; LDA; Topic Extraction; Software Evolution.
Model Transformation Applications from Requirements Engineering Perspective Sobhan Yassipour Tehrani and Kevin Lano keywords: model transformations; requirements engineering; requirements engineering framework.
Analyzing the Evolvability of Modular Structures: a Longitudinal Normalized Systems Case Study Philip Huysmans, Peter De Bruyn, Gilles Oorts, Jan Verelst, Dirk van der Linden, and Herwig Mannaert keywords: Normalized Systems; modularity; evolvability; case study
Applying ISO 9126 Metrics to MDD Projects Ricardo Alonso Muñoz Riesle, Beatriz Marín, and Lidia López keywords: Quality Model; Model-Driven Development; Metrics; ISO 9126; Conceptual models
Evaluation of a Security Service Level Agreement Chen-Yu Lee and Krishna M. Kavi keywords: service level agreement; SLA; security; SSLA; cloud computing
Towards Systematic Safety System Development with a Tool Supported Pattern Language Jari Rauhamäki, Timo Vepsäläinen, and Seppo Kuikka keywords: system; software; design pattern; safety standard; tool support
An Analysis of sSven Concepts and Design Flaws in Identity Management Systems João José Calixto das Chagas and Felipe Ferraz keywords: Management;flaws;Identity;design;Security.
ATM Security: A Case Study of a Logical Risk Assessment Johannes Braeuer, Bernadette Gmeiner, and Johannes Sametinger keywords: automated teller machines; ATM security; embed-ded systems; risk assessment.
Applications of Security Reference Architectures in Distributed Systems: Initial Findings of Systematic Mapping Study Sajjad Mahmood, Muhammad Jalal Khan, and Sajid Anwer keywords: security reference architecture; reference architecture; distributed systems; systematic mapping study
Cif: A Static Decentralized Label Model (DLM) Analyzer to Assure Correct Information Flow in C Kevin Müller, Sascha Uhrig, Michael Paulitsch, and Georg Sigl keywords: Security, High-Assurance, Information Flow, Decentralized Label Model
Minimizing Attack Graph Data Structures Peter Mell and Richard Harang keywords: attack graph; complexity analysis; data structures; minimization; representation; security
Reliability-Aware Design Specification for Allowing Reuse-Based Reliability Level Increment Patricia López, Leire Etxeberria, and Xabier Elkorobarrutia keywords: safety; reuse; model-based
Best Practices for the Design of RESTful Web Services Pascal Giessler, Michael Gebhart, Dmitrij Sarancin, Roland Steinegger, and Sebastian Abeck keywords: REST; RESTful; best practices; collection; catalog; design; quality; research and practice
Criteria of Evaluation for Systems Using Sensor as a Service Anderson Brito and Felipe Ferraz keywords: sensor as a service; sensors repository; search engine data
Middleware Applied to Digital Preservation: A Literature Review Eriko Brito, Paulo Cesar Abrantes, and Bruno de Freitas Barros keywords: Digital Curation; Digital Preservation; Reproducibility; Middleware
Middleware For Heterogeneous Healthcare Data Exchange: A Survey Carlos Bezerra, André Araujo, Bruno Rocha, Vagner Pereira, and Felipe Ferraz keywords: Middleware; Healthcare; Data Exchange; Interop; Heterogeneous Data; HL7; EHR;
Teaching Robotics and Mechanisms Daniela Marghitu and Dan . Marghitu keywords: MATLAB; symbolic calculations; kinematic chain
Case of Enterprise Architecture in Manufacturing Firm Alicia Valdez, Griselda Cortes, Sergio Castaneda, Gerardo Haces, and Jose Medina keywords: Enterprise architecture; Strategic planning; Manufacturing companies
An Empirical Investigation on the Motivations for the Adoption of Open Source Software Davide Taibi keywords: Open Source Adoption; Empirical Study; Open Source Quality
Gamifying and Conveying Software Engineering Concepts for Secondary Education: An Edutainment Approach Roy Oberhauser keywords: software engineering education; software engineering games; game-based learning; digital games
Using Cloud Services To Improve Software Engineering Education for Distributed Application Development Jorge Edison Lascano and Stephen W. Clyde keywords: computer science education; software-engineering education; cloud computing; virtual environments; distributed systems.
Controlled Variability Management for Business Process Model Constraints Neel Mani and Claus Pahl keywords: Business Process Modelling, Process Constraints, Variability Model, Domain-specific Rule Language
Several Issues on the Model Interchange Between Model-Driven Software Development Tools Una Ieva Zusane, Oksana Nikiforova, and Konstantins Gusarovs keywords: model interchange; UML diagrams; model-driven software development tool
Testing Smart Cities Through an Extensible Testbed Guilherme Medeiros, Felipe Ferraz, and Gutemberg Cavalcante keywords: Data Mass; Smart Cities; Internet of Things
Implementing the Observer Design Pattern as an Expressive Language Construct Taher Ghaleb, Khalid Aljasser, and Musab Al-Turki keywords: Design Patterns; Aspect-Oriented Programming; Extensible Compiler; Language Extension; Observer Pattern.
Supporting Tools for Managing Software Product Lines: a Systematic Mapping Karen D. R. Pacini and Rosana T. V. Braga keywords: Software Product Line Management; Systematic Mapping.
Recovering Lost Software Design with the Help of Aspect-based Abstractions Kiev Gama and Didier Donsez keywords: Software layers; Software reengineering; Aspect-oriented programming.
Networking-based Personalized Research Environment : NePRE Heeseok Choi, Jiyoung Park, Hyoungseop Shim, and Beomjong You keywords: research support; persoanlization; R&D life-cycle
Decision Making and Service Oriented Architecture for Recruitment Process Using the New Standard Decision Model and Notation (DMN) Fatima Boumahdi, Houssem Eddine Boulefrakh, and Rachid Chalal keywords: SOA; SOA +d ; DMN; SoaML, AHP.