ThinkMind // ICWMC 2011, The Seventh International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications
 Type: conference Download: ICWMC 2011 cover page Download: ICWMC 2011 foreword page Download: ICWMC 2011 committee page Download: ICWMC 2011 table of contents Download: ICWMC 2011 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Dragana Krstic, University of Nis, Serbia Andreas Löffler, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Constantin Paleologu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania Event editions: - there are 15 editions. ISSN: 2308-4219 ISBN: 978-1-61208-140-3 Location: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg Dates: from June 19, 2011 to June 24, 2011 Articles: there are 54 articles Efficient Rate Adaptive Resource Allocation Scheme in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems Vasileios Papoutsis and Stavros Kotsopoulos keywords: OFDMA, resource allocation, multiuser diversity
Resource Allocation Algorithm for MISO-OFDMA Systems with QoS Provisioning Vasileios Papoutsis and Stavros Kotsopoulos keywords: MISO, OFDMA, resource allocation, Zero-Forcing, minimum data rate constraints
Scrambling-Exact Channel Estimation in W-CDMA Systems Wolfgang U. Aichmann keywords: W-CDMA; HSDPA; MIMO; channel estimation; scrambling
The Mathematical Relationship Between Maximum Access Delay and the R.M.S Delay Spread Khalid Hassan, Tharek Abd Rahman, M. Ramlee Kamarudin, and Faizah Nor keywords: Ofdm; cyclic prefix; delay spread.
An Effective transmit Weight Design for DPC with Maximum Beam in Multi-user MIMO Downlink Cong Li and Yasunori Iwanami keywords: Multi-user MIMO downlink, Capacity, Dirty Paper Coding (DPC), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
MLD-based MFSK Demodulation on MIMO Frequency Selective Fading Channel Yasunori Iwanami and Kenji Nakayama keywords: MIMO, MFSK, ISI, IAI, MLD, M-algorithm, FDE, Multipath channel
The Impact of Antenna Directivity and Channel Bandwidth on the Power Spectral Density of Wideband and UWB MISO Channels Ana-Maria Pistea, Tudor Palade, Ancuta Moldovan, and Hamidreza Saligheh Rad keywords: Keywords-WB; UWB; MIMO; wireless channel; PSD.
Angular CMA: A modified Constant Modulus Algorithm providing steering angle updates Koen C. H. Blom, Marcel D. van de Burgwal, Kenneth C. Rovers, André B. J. Kokkeler, and Gerard J. M. Smit keywords: blind beamforming; CMA; hierarchical arrays
A Smart Predictive Link Layer Trigger Algorithm to Optimize Homogenous/Heterogeneous Networks WiFi Handover Decisions Chunmei Liu and Christian Maciocco keywords: predictive handover trigger; station collision probability; WiFi networks; intra- and inter-technology handover
Exploiting Movement synchronization to Increase End-to-end file Sharing efficiency for Delay Sensitive Streams in Vehicular P2P Devices Constandinos Mavromoustakis keywords: synchronized mobility scheme; partially synchronized mobility scheme; file sharing scheme; end-to-end efficienc; evaluation through simulation
Vertical Fast Handoff in Integrated WLAN and UMTS Networks Vahid Solouk, Borhanuddin Mohd Ali, and Daniel Wong keywords: vertical handoff; early binding update; packet delivery; latency; signaling cost
A Hop-Oriented Position Estimation Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Hsing-Lung Chen, Li-Chung Lin, and Shu-Hua Hu keywords: sensor nodes; GPS; broadcast; hop count; beacon nodes; normal nodes
Investigation of the Correlation Effect on the Performance of V-BLAST and OSTBC MIMO Systems Ali Jemmali and Jean Conan keywords: Multi-antenna MIMO system, OSTBC, V-BLAST, Bit Error Rate
Simple Detection Schemes for the Alamouti Code Assisted V-BLAST (ACAV) System David Wee-Gin Lim keywords: Hybrid transmission scheme; ACAV; STBC-VBLAST; MIMO detector; MIMO detection scheme
Radiation Pattern Behaviour of Reconfigurable Asymmetry Slotted Ultra Wideband Antenna Yusnita Rahayu, Azlyna Senawi, and Razali Ngah keywords: antenna; antenna measurement; radiation pattern; ultra wideband; band-notched antenna.
Radio Resource Unit Allocation and Rate Adaptation in Filter Banks Multicarrier System Faouzi Bader and Mohammad Banat keywords: RRM; Filter bank; WiMAX; JRAB
An Experimental Study of ICI Cancellation in OFDM Utilizing GNU Radio System Miftahur Rahman, Sajjadul Latif, and Tasnia Ahad keywords: OFDM; USRP; GNU radio; ICI cancellation; 400MHz, software defined radio
Dynamic Group PCI Assignment Scheme Xu Zhang, DiBin Zhou, Zhu Xiao, Enjie Liu, Jie Zhang, and Andres Alayon Glasunov keywords: PCI, CGI, LTE femtocell, Graph Colouring, PCI release
Performance Analysis of Pilot Patterns in Coded OFDMA Systems over Multi-user Channels Jihyung Kim, Jung-Hyun Kim, Kwang Jae Lim, and Dong Seung Kwon keywords: OFDMA, interference, pilot pattern
A System Design for The Integration of RFID Systems with Wireless Network Technologies Mehmet Erkan Yüksel and Asım Sinan Yüksel keywords: Radio frequency identification; active/passive tag; Wi-Fi; WiMAX; TinyOS; data gathering; object monitoring
The Selected Propagation Models Analysis of Usefulness in Container Terminal Environment Slawomir Ambroziak and Ryszard Katulski keywords: radio waves propagation; measuring research; container terminal environment; propagation models verification
Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms for VOIP Networks: An Experimentation System and Evaluation of Created Algorithm Rafal Orlowski, Michal Chamow, Iwona Pozniak-Koszalka, Leszek Koszalka, and Andrzej Kasprzak keywords: bandwidth; algorithm; experimentation system; optimization; efficiency
On the Receiver Performance in MU-MIMO Transmission in LTE Zijian Bai, Biljana Badic, Stanislaus Iwelski, Tobias Scholand, Rajarajan Balraj, Guido Bruck, and Peter Jung keywords: LTE (Long Term Evolution), MU-MIMO (Multiuser Multiple Input Multiple Output), Max-Log-MAP (Maximum A Posteriori Probability), IRC (Interference Rejection Combiner)
A Hybrid Solution For Coverage Enhancement in Directional Sensor Networks M. Amac Guvensan and A. Gokhan Yavuz keywords: Directional Sensor Networks; Coverage; Cost; Energy Efficiency; Motility; Mobility; Hybrid Deployment
Amplifying Matrix Design for Cooperative Relay Networks under Channel Uncertainty and Power Constraint Kanghee Lee, Hyuck Kwon, Yanwu Ding, Zuojun Wang, Yu Bi, and Yazan Ibdah keywords: AF, MMSE, channel-uncertainty, power-constraint
Finite-State Markov Chain Approximation for Geometric Mean of MIMO Eigenmodes Ping-Heng Kuo and Pang-An Ting keywords: MIMO; Geometric mean decomposition; Rayleigh fading; Markov model.
An Algorithmic Approach for Analyzing Wireless Networks with Retrials and Heterogeneous Servers Nawel Gharbi and Leila Charabi keywords: Retrial phenomenon; Heterogeneous servers; Wireless networks; Generalized Stochastic Petri nets; Performance indices.
Performance Analysis of an Ant-based Routing Algorithm with Enhanced Path Maintenance for MANETs Miae Woo keywords: Routing, Mobile Ad-Hoc Network, Ant Colony Optimization, Performance Analysis
Adaptive Cross Layer Approach for Video Transmission Over Cognitive UWB Network Norazizah Mohd Aripin, Norsheila Fisal, Rozeha A. Rashid, and Anthony C.C. Lo keywords: cross-layer design; cognitive UWB network; video transmission
A Survey on Multi-Channel Based, Digital Media- Driven 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks Christian Köbel, Walter Baluja García, and Joachim Habermann keywords: 802.11; Mesh; Multi-Interface; QoS
A Bidirectional Semi-Passive DS-CDMA-RFID Transponder for the UHF Band Andreas Loeffler and Ingo Altmann keywords: Radiofrequency identification; UHF; transponder; Backscatter.
Efficient Symbol Detector for MIMO Communication Systems Soohyun Jang and Yunho Jung keywords: MIMO; ML; multi-stage pipeline; spatial diversity; spatial multiplexing; symbol detector
Software Defined Radio as a DS-CDMA Receiver Ryszard Katulski, Wojciech Siwicki, and Jacek Stefanski keywords: Programmable radio; Software Defined Radio; SDR; phase correction; AEGIR
Performance Improvements of Mobile SCTP during handover period Sinh Chung Nguyen, Thi Mai Trang Nguyen, and Guy Pujolle keywords: SCTP; mSCTP handover; multi-homing; congestion control; vertical handover.
Sink-Connected Barrier Coverage Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks Yung-Liang Lai and Jehn-Ruey Jiang keywords: Wireless sensor networks; Barrier coverage; Maximum flow minimum cost algorithm; Sink connectivity
The Joint Probability Density Function of the SSC Combiner Output Signal at Two Time Instants in the Presence of Hoyt Fading Dragana Krstić, Petar Nikolić, Goran Stamenović, and Mihajlo Stefanović keywords: Probability Density Function; Joint Probability Density Function; Hoyt Fading; Diversity Reception; SSC Combining
Hybrid Log-MAP Algorithm for Turbo Decoding Over AWGN Channel Li Li Lim and David Wee Gin Lim keywords: Log-MAP, turbo codes, correction function, Jacobian logarithm.
Evaluating Transceiver Power Savings Produced by Connectivity Strategies for Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks Pragasen Mudali, Murimo Mutanga, Matthew Adigun, and Ntsibane Ntlatlapa keywords: wireless mesh networks, connectivity, power savings, network lifetime, topology control
Spectrum Access during Cognitive Radio Mobiles’ Handoff Emna Trigui, Moez Esseghir, and Leila Merghem Boulahia keywords: Cognitive radio, Dynamic spectrum access, Mobility, Spectrum sharing, Spectrum handoff
Efficiently Using Bitmap Floorplans for Indoor Navigation on Mobile Phones Martin Werner keywords: Navigation; Image Processing
Near Field Sensing in Wireless LANs Wolfgang Narzt and Heinrich Schmitzberger keywords: Near Field Sensing; Interaction Zones; Wireless LAN
Spectrum Sensing Measurement using GNU Radio and USRP Software Radio Platform Rozeha A. Rashid, Mohd Adib Sarijari, Norsheila Fisal, Anthony Lo, Sh. Kamilah S. Yusof, and Nurhija Mahalin keywords: Spectrum Sensing; Probability of Detection; Probability of False Alarm; GNU Radio; USRP
Secure, Privacy-Preserving, and Context-Restricted Information Sharing for Location-based Social Networks Michael Dürr, Philipp Marcus, and Kevin Wiesner keywords: Online Social Networks; Proximity Detection; Location Integrity; Privacy; Security.
Seamless Multimedia Handoff for Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Khaled Zeraoulia and Nadjib Badache keywords: Seamless handover; HMIPv6; multimedia applications.
Heterogeneous Networks Handover Decision Triggering Algorithm Based on Measurements Messages Transfer using IP Option Header Malak Z. Habeib, Hussein A. Elsayed, Salwa H. Elramly, and Magdy M. Ibrahim keywords: Keywords-handover; vertical; horizontal; mobility; IP header; wireless; ping pong effect
The Impacts of Dynamic Broadcast Schemes on the Performance of Dimitrios Liarokapis and Ali Shahrabi keywords: dynamic, adaptive, probability, broadcasting, MANETs
Cyclostationary Detection in Spectrum Pooling System of Undefined Secondary Users Nazar Radhi, Kahtan Aziz, Rafed Sabbar Abbas, and Hamed AL-Raweshidy keywords: Cognitive Radio; Sensing; Cyclostationary Detection; Undefined.
Restore Partitioning in MANETs with Dynamically Deployed Helping Hosts — Message Cabs (MCabs) Ting Wang and Chor Ping Low keywords: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), Helping Host, Message Cab, Adaptive Route Design, Dynamic Deployment
Increasing the Speed of a Wireless Network by Processing Indoor Alexey Lagunov keywords: RadioEthernet; wireless, interference; disturbance; Wi-Fi, reflectance
Thresholds Determination for new Backoff Algorithm in MANETs Muneer Bani Yassein, Wail Mardini, and Zainab AbuTaye keywords: Meduim Access Control protocols; Backoff Algorithm; Ad hoc network; network performance
An Interference Avoiding Wireless Network Architecture for Coexistence of CDMA 2000 1x EVDO and LTE Systems Xinsheng Zhao, Jia You, and Tao Jin keywords: Interference; LTE, CDMA2000 1x EVDO; Wireless Networks
Challenge Token-based Authentication – CTA Ghassan Kbar keywords: wireless; authentication; security
Efficient Privacy Preservation Protocol Using Self-certified Signature For VANETS Bidi Ying, Dimitrios Makrakis, and Hussein T. Mouftah keywords: Vehicular networks, self-certified, privacy
Security Enhanced Authentication Protocol for UHF Passive RFID System Suna Choi, Sangyeon Lee, and Heyungsub Lee keywords: RFID security; AES; OFB-like mode; mutual authentication