ThinkMind // UBICOMM 2010, The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
 Type: conference Download: UBICOMM 2010 cover page Download: UBICOMM 2010 foreword page Download: UBICOMM 2010 committee page Download: UBICOMM 2010 table of contents Download: UBICOMM 2010 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain Sergey Balandin, FRUCT, Finland Cosmin Dini, UHA, France Event editions: - there are 15 editions. ISSN: 2308-4278 ISBN: 978-1-61208-100-7 Location: Florence, Italy Dates: from October 25, 2010 to October 30, 2010 Articles: there are 83 articles An Application for Protecting Personal Information on Social Networking Websites Mehmet Erkan Yüksel and Asim Sinan Yüksel keywords: social networking websites; clustering; sharing information; protecting privacy; graph database
Improvement of Channel Decoding using Block Cypher Natasa Zivic and Ayyaz Mahmood keywords: Advanced Encryption Standard, Cryptography, Concatenated Codes, Soft Input Decryption, Encryption, Maximum A Posteriori Probability (MAP)
Distortion Free Steganographic System Based on Genetic Algorithm Hesham El Zouka keywords: Security; Watermarking; Steganography; Information Hiding; Genetic Algorithm
Optimal Activation of Intrusion Detection Agents for Wireless Sensor Networks Yulia Ponomarchuk and Dae-Wha Seo keywords: wireless sensor networks; anomaly detection; intrusion detection system; Ising model
GeCSen -? A Generic and Cross-Platform Sensor Framework for LocON Mitch De Coster, Steven Mattheussen, Martin Klepal, Maarten Weyn, and Glenn Ergeerts keywords: monitoring, localisation, embedded devices, smartphone, sensors, locon, cross-platform
Securing Off-Card Contract-Policy Matching in Security-By-Contract for Multi-Application Smart Cards Nicola Dragoni, Eduardo Lostal, Davide Papini, and Javier Fabra keywords: Multi-Application Smart Cards; Security; Contract Matching
MagiSign: User Identification/Authentication Based on 3D Around Device Magnetic Signatures Hamed Ketabdar, Kamer Ali Yüksel Kamer Ali Yüksel, Amirhossein Jahnbekam, Mehran Roshandel, and Daria Skirpo keywords: Identification/Authentication, 3D Magnetic Signature, Around Device Interaction, Magnet, Embedded Magnetic (Compass) Sensor.
Classification of Mobile P2P Malware Based on Propagation Behaviour Muhammad Adeel, Laurissa Tokarchuk, and Muhammad Awais Azam keywords: Mobile P2P; Malware classification; Behaviour identification; Mobile malware families
Link Stability in MANETs Routing Protocols Crescenzio Gallo, Michele Perilli, and Michelangelo De Bonis keywords: MANET, routing protocol, link stability
A Device-aware Spatial 3D Visualization Platform for Mobile Urban Exploration Matthias Baldauf and Przemyslaw Musialski keywords: 3D visualization; mobile rendering; location-based service; device-awareness
QoS Aware Mixed Traffic Packet Scheduling in OFDMA-based LTE-Advanced Networks Rehana Kausar, Yue Chen, Kok Keong Chai, Laurie Cuthbert, and John Schormans keywords: Packet scheduling; OFDMA; QoS; LTE-A.
M2Learn Open Framework: Developing Mobile Collaborative and Social Applications Sergio Martin, Gabriel Diaz, Elio Sancristobal, Rosario Gil, Manuel Castro, Juan Peire, and Ivica Boticki keywords: mobile learning; collaborative learning; M2Learn framework; microblogging
Next Generation Network Architecture for Integration of Wireless Access Networks Fazal Wahab Karam and Terje Jensen keywords: NGN; WLAN; WiMax; UMTS; LTE; QoS; IEEE 802.21 MIHF; interworking; domain coupling.
A Mobile Internet Service Consistency Framework Yangyi Wen, Chunhong Zhang, Yabo Du, and Yang Ji keywords: Internet service consistency; service consistency framework; inter-terminal
Design and Development of an Interoperation Framework in a Smart Space Using OSGi Soma Bandyopadhyay and Naga Kiran Guddanti keywords: Ubiquitous computing; Home gateway; OSGi; Smart sapce; Interoperation.
Particularized Cost Model for Data Mining Algorithms Andrea Zanda keywords: ubiquitous, data mining, cost model, algorithm
Bluetooth and filesystem to manage a ubiquitous mesh network Nicola Corriero, Emanuele Covino, Giovanni Pani, and Eustrat Zhupa keywords: Ubiquitous mesh; ad-hoc networks; sensor networks; bluetooth; tracking
A Mobile Knowledge-Based System for On-Board Diagnostics and Car Driving Assistance Michele Ruta, Floriano Scioscia, Filippo Gramegna, and Eugenio Di Sciascio keywords: Semantic Web; On Board Diagnostics; Ubiquitous Computing; Data Fusion; Intelligent Transportation Systems
Wireless service developing for ubiquitous computing environments using J2ME technologies José Miguel Rubio and Claudio Cubillos keywords: ubiquitous computing; wireless services; service discovering; bluetooth; mobility
Generating Modest High-Level Ontology Libraries for Smart-M3 Dmitry Korzun, Alexandr Lomov, Pavel Vanag, Jukka Honkola, and Sergey Balandin keywords: Smart spaces; Smart-M3; OWL/RDF ontology; code generator; knowledge processor; low-performance devices
Experimental Comparison of Frequency Hopping Techniques for 802.15.4-based Sensor Networks Luca Stabellini and Mohammad Mohsen Parhizkar keywords: Frequency Hopping; Adaptive Frequency Hopping; Interference Mitigation; Coexistence in Unlicensed Bands; Wireless Sensor Networks;
Impact of the Parameterization of IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Layer on the Consumption of ZigBee Sensor Motes Eduardo Casilari and Jose M. Cano-García keywords: 802.15.4, ZigBee, Battery Consumption, Sensor Networks
Game Theory based Dynamic RRM for Reconfigurable WiMAX/WLAN System Ognen Ognenoski and Liljana Gavrilovska keywords: Game theory; Reconfigurable systems; RRM
A Beacon Cluster-Tree Construction Approach For ZigBee/IEEE802.15.4 Networks Mohammed Ikbal Benakila, Laurent George, and Smain Femmam keywords: EEE 802.15.4; Beacon mode; Beacon frame ; scheduling; SuperFrame scheduling; Cluster-Tree.
Modelling Energy Consumption for RF control Modules Baris Orhan, Engin Karatepe, and Radosveta Sokullu keywords: energy consumption, node lifetime, semi markov chains, RF4CE
DS-CDMA receiver in Software Defined Radio technology Wojciech Siwicki and Jacek Stefanski keywords: Software Defined Radio; SDR; RAKE; DS-CDMA; phase correction
Resource Allocation of Adaptive Subcarrier Block with Frequency Symbol Spreading for OFDMA Chang-Jun Ahn, Tatsuya Omori, and Ken-ya Hashimoto keywords: OFDMA; Frequency Symbol Spreading; Minimum Mean Square Error Combining (MMSEC)
IMS Signalling in LTE-based Femtocell Network Melvi Ulvan, Ardian Ulvan, and Robert Bestak keywords: Femtocell, IMS Signalling, 3GPP LTE, SIP
A Solution for Seamless Video Delivery in WLAN/3G Networks Claudio de Castro Monteiro and Paulo Roberto de Lira Gondim keywords: Video, 3G, WLAN, Handover, Proxy
REST-based Meta Web Services in Mobile Application Frameworks Daniel Sonntag, Daniel Porta, and Jochen Setz keywords: Multimodal Dialogue, Application Backend, REST Services
Evaluation of theWireless Network used by a Tour Guide in a Cultural Environment Ricardo Tesoriero, José Antonio Gallud, María Dolores Lozano, Víctor Manuel Penichet, and Habib Moussa Fardoun keywords: Wi-Fi;Human-Computer Interaction; Mobile applications
Mobile Services and Applications: Towards a Balanced Adoption Model Krassie Petrova and Stephen MacDonell keywords: mobile services; adoption; mobile commerce; quality of service expectations; lifestyle requirements; mCommerce
Improved Spatial and Temporal Mobility Metrics for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Elmano Cavalcanti and Marco Spohn keywords: ad hoc network; mobility metric; spatial dependence; temporal dependence
A Heap-based P2P Topology and Dynamic Resource Location Policy for Process Migration in Mobile Clusters Yusuf Mohamadi Begum and Mulk Abdul Maluk Mohamed keywords: DHT; load balancing; mobile cluster; P2P networks; process migration
EaST: Earth Seismic Tomographer Ida Bifulco, Rita Francese, Ignazio Passero, and Genoveffa Tortora keywords: Smart Devices, Earthquakes, Seismic Tomography, Accelerometer Sensing, Neural Networks
MMSP: Designing a Novel Micro Mobility Sensor Protocol for Ubiquitous Communication Dhananjay Singh and Daeyeoul Kim keywords: Mobility; IP-USN; AODV; Routing; Global communication.
Handover Scenario and Procedure in LTE-based Femtocell Networks Ardian Ulvan, Robert Bestak, and Melvi Ulvan keywords: handover; femtocell; 3GPP-LTE; reactive handover; proactive handover.
The Collaborative Gaming for Business in Pervasive Networks Kazuhiko Shibuya keywords: Collaborative Learning, Gaming, Organizational Development in Business, Ubiquitous Computation
On-the-Fly Ontology Matching for Smart M3-based Smart Spaces Sergey Balandin, Ian Oliver, Sergey Boldyrev, Alexander Smirnov, Alexey Kashevnik, and Nikolay Shilov keywords: Smart spaces; ontology matching; semantic similarity; semantic interoperability; Smart-M3
Mobile Augmented Reality System for Interacting with Ubiquitous Information Andriamasinoro Rahajaniaina and Jean-Pierre Jessel keywords: Ubiquitous collaborative computing; mobile collaborative augmented reality; distributed Geographical Information System
Performance Analysis of Receive Collaboration in TDMA-based Wireless Sensor Networks Behnam Banitalebi, Stephan Sigg, and Michael Beigl keywords: receive collaboration; wireless sensor network; channel equalization; TDMA
Anonymous Agents Coordination in Smart Spaces Sergey Balandin, Ian Oliver, Sergey Boldyrev, Alexander Smirnov, Alexey Kashevnik, and Nikolay Shilov keywords: Smart Spaces; Use cases for consumer electronics; Smart-M3; Agents coordination; Shared information; Anonymous agents.
Coordination and Control in Mobile Ubiquitous Computing Applications Using Law Governed Interaction Rishabh Dudheria, Wade Trappe, and Naftaly Minsky keywords: Law Governed Interaction; ad hoc coordination; decentralized enforcement; security
Case Study of the OMiSCID Middleware: Wizard of Oz Experiment in Smart Environments Rémi Barraquand, Dominique Vaufreydaz, Rémi Emonet, and Jean-Pascal Mercier keywords: Service Oriented Architecture, Ubiquitous Computing, Middleware, Wizard Of Oz, Smart Environments.
SmartBuilding: a People-to-People-to-Geographical-Places Mobile System based on Augmented Reality Andrea De Lucia, Rita Francese, Ignazio Passero, and Tortora Genoveffa keywords: Augmented Reality; mobile user interfaces; context-awareness; People-to-People-to-Geographical-Places systems
Network Architectures for Ubiquitous Home Services Warodom Werapun, Julien Fasson, and Beatrice Paillassa keywords: home network, network architecture, home services, P2P, IMS, SIP
The QoE-oriented Heterogeneous Network Selection Based on Fuzzy AHP Methodology Dong-ming Shen keywords: QoE; heterogeneous; network selection; fuzzy AHP; consistency
EAP-Kerberos: Leveraging the Kerberos Credential Caching Mechanism for Faster Re-authentications in Wireless Access Networks Saber Zrelli, Nobuo Okabe, and Yoichi Shinoda keywords: Wireless; Authentication; Handoff; Performance
A One-Shot Dynamic Optimization Methodology for Wireless Sensor Networks Arslan Munir, Ann Gordon-Ross, Susan Lysecky, and Roman Lysecky keywords: Wireless sensor networks; dynamic optimization; application metric estimation
BeAware: A Framework for Residential Services on Energy Awareness Christoffer Björkskog, Giulio Jacucci, Topi Mikkola, Massimo Bertoncini, Luciano Gamberini, Carin Torstensson, Tatu Nieminen, Luigi Briguglio, Pasquale Andriani, and Giampaolo Fiorentino keywords: Ubiquitous services, Energy Awareness, Monitoring sensing
Acceptance Models for the Analysis of RFID Markus Haushahn, Michael Amberg, and Krzysztof Malowaniec keywords: acceptance analysis; RFID; ubiquitous computing
System Architecture for Mobile-phone-readable RF Memory Tags Iiro Jantunen, Jyri Hämäläinen, Timo Korhonen, Harald Kaaja, Joni Jantunen, and Sergey Boldyrev keywords: Memory architecture; Multimedia systems; RFID; telephone sets; RF memory tags
Performance Comparison of Video Traffic Over WLAN IEEE 802.11e and IEEE 802.11n Teuku Yuliar Arif and Riri Fitri Sari keywords: Performance Comparison; 802.11e; 802.11n; Throughput
Towards Self-Adaptable, Scalable, Dependable and Energy Efficient Networks: The Self-Growing Concept Nancy Alonistioti, Andreas Merentitis, Makis Stamatelatos, Egon Schulz, Chan Zhou, George Koudouridis, Bernd Bochow, Mario Schuster, Piet Demeester, Pieter Ballon, Simon Delaere, Markus Mueck, Christian Drewes, Liesbet Van der Perre, Jeroen Declerck, Tim Lewis, and Ioannis Chochliouros keywords: self-adaptation; cooperation, distributed systems; low energy
Optimum Cluster Size for Cluster-Based Communication in Wireless Sensor Network Goutam Chakraborty keywords: Sensor nodes' power decay; Constrained optimization problem; Linear programming;
Cooperative Communication to Improve Reliability and Efficient Neighborhood Wakeup in Wireless Sensor Networks Rana Azeem M. Khan and Holger Karl keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks; Media Access Control; Cooperative Communication; Reliability.
Topological Cluster-based Geographic Routing in Multihop Ad Hoc Networks Emi Mathews and Hannes Frey keywords: geographic routing; multi-hop clustering; overlay graph; graph planarization; location fault tolerance.
Optimizing Parameters of Prioritized Data Reduction in Sensor Networks Cosmin Dini and Pascal Lorenz keywords: sensor, data management, data sensor storage, data priority optimized parameters, prediction models
Is the Mashup Technology Mature for its Application in an Institutional Website? Serena Pastore keywords: Mashup applications; web widgets; website platform; XML formats; CMS technology; Web 2.0 tools
Building the Web of Things with WS-BPEL and Visual Tags Antonio Pintus, Davide Carboni, Andrea Piras, and Alessandro Giordano keywords: Ubiquitous computing, Web services, Web of Things, SOA
Integrated E-Learning Web Services Alina Andreica, Florina Covaci, Daniel Stuparu, Arpad Imre, and Gabriel Pop keywords: web services; system integration; database synchronization; e-learning services
From Heterogeneous Sensor Sources to Location-Based Information Mareike Kritzler and Andreas Müller keywords: Tracking, Sensors, LBS, Georeferencing
Modeling Unified Interaction for Communication Service Integration Juwel Rana, Johan Kristiansson, and Kåre Synnes keywords: interaction patterns; social networks; communication services; communication pattern discovery
Using Context-aware Workflows for Failure Management in a Smart Factory Matthias Wieland, Frank Leymann, Michael Schäfer, Dominik Lucke, Carmen Constantinescu, and Engelbert Westkämper keywords: context-awareness; context models; workflow systems; human tasks; production environments; humane system design; mobile applications; ubiquitous computing
Tangible Applications for Regular Objects: An End-User Model for Pervasive Computing at Home Spyros Lalis, Jaroslaw Domaszewicz, Aleksander Pruszkowski, Tomasz Paczesny, Mikko Ala-Louko, Markus Taumberger, Giorgis Georgakoudis, and Kostas Lekkas keywords: Sensor and actuator networks, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, smart homes, system and application management, user interaction, tangible interfaces
Continuous Gesture Recognition for Resource Constrained Smart Objects Bojan Milosevic, Elisabetta Farella, and Luca Benini keywords: Hidden Markov Models; Tangible Interfaces; Smart Objects; Gesture Recognition; Fixed Point
SIREN: Mediated Informal Communication for Serendipity Nikolaos Batalas, Hester Bruikman, Dominika Turzynska, Vanesa Vakili, Natalia Voynarovskaya, and Panos Markopoulos keywords: human-centered computing; wireless sensor net- works; serendipity
Dynamic Object Binding for Opportunistic Localisation Isabelle De Cock, Willy Loockx, Martin Klepal, and Maarten Weyn keywords: object binding; opportunistic localisation; Bluetooth
Push-Delivery Personalized Recommendations for Mobile Users Quang Nhat Nguyen and Phai Minh Hoang keywords: mobile recommender system; push delivery; context-aware mobile application
m-Physio: Personalized Accelerometer-based Physical Rehabilitation Platform Ivan Raso, Ramon Hervas, and Jose Bravo keywords: ubiquitous computing; accelerometry; physical-rehabilitation; mobility
The Importance of Context Towards Mobile Services Adoption Shang Gao and John Krogstie keywords: Context; Mobile Services Adoption
Human Behaviour Detection Using GSM Location Patterns and Bluetooth Proximity Data Muhammad Awais Azam, Laurissa Tokarchuk, and Muhammad Adeel keywords: Behaviour; Cell tower ID; Bluetooth proximity; Neural Network; Jaccard Index
Towards Radio Localisation of Running Athletes Lawrence Cheng, Gregor Kuntze, Huiling Tan, Stephen Hailes, David G. Kerwin, and Alan Wilson keywords: Application; athletes; localisation; sports; ubiquitous sensing.
Experience and Vision of Open Innovations in Russia and Baltic Region: the FRUCT Program Sergey Balandin keywords: Open Innovations; FRUCT; Industry-to-Academia; R&D cooperation; new trends in innovations; Russia-Finland partnering; Russia-Baltic cooperation
Tracking Recurrent Concepts Using Context in Memory-constrained Devices João Bártolo Gomes, Ernestina Menasalvas, and Pedro Alexandre Sousa keywords: Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery, Data Stream Mining, Concept Drift, Recurring Concepts, Context-awareness, Resource-awareness
Modeling and Analysing Ubiquitous Systems Using MDE Approach Amara Touil, Jean Vareille, Fred Lherminier, and Philippe Le Parc keywords: Domain Specific Language, Model Driven Engineering, Analysis, Telecontrol Systems
Information Dissemination in WSNs Applied to Physical Phenomena Tracking María Ángeles Serna, Eva María García, Aurelio Bermúdez, and Rafael Casado keywords: sensor networks; dissemination; performance evaluation
Semantic P2P Overlay for Dynamic Context Lookup Shubhabrata Sen, Wenwei Xue, Hung Keng Pung, and Wai Choong Wong keywords: context-awareness; context-aware middleware; operating spaces; semantic peer-to-peer overlays
Exploring Techniques for Monitoring Electric Power Consumption in Households Manyazewal Fitta, Solomon Biza, Matti Lehtonen, Tatu Nieminen, and Giulio Jacucci keywords: ubiquitous computing; load monitoring; fingerprinting; pattern recognition; energy awareness
Extending a Middleware for Pervasive Computing to Programmable Task Management in an Environment of Personalized Clinical Activities Giuliano Ferreira, Iara Augustin, Giovani Rubert Librelotto, Fabio Lorenzi Silva, Alencar Machado, and Adenauer Correa Yamin keywords: Ubiquitous Computing; middleware; daily activities oriented computing; end-user programming; clinical activities.
The Economic Impact of IPTV Deployment in the European Countries: An Input-Output Approach Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman keywords: IPTV; investment; input-output
Design and Implementation of Edge Detection and Contrast Enhancement Algorithms Using Pulse-Domain Techniques Fatemeh Taherian, Davud Asemani, and Elham Kermani keywords: pulse frequency modulation (PFM); suppression; promotion; digital image processing
Inter and Intra-Video Navigation and Retrieval in Mobile Terminals Andrei Bursuc, Titus Zaharia, and Françoise Preteux keywords: video indexing, video search engines, user interfaces, MPEG-7 standard, visual descriptors, description schemes.