ThinkMind // UBICOMM 2011, The Fifth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
 Type: conference Download: UBICOMM 2011 cover page Download: UBICOMM 2011 foreword page Download: UBICOMM 2011 committee page Download: UBICOMM 2011 table of contents Download: UBICOMM 2011 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Sathiamoorthy Manoharan, University of Auckland, New Zealand Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain Neil Speirs, Newcastle University, UK Kirusnapillai Selvarajah, Newcastle University, UK Patricia Rodrigues, ETRA I+D, Spain Event editions: - there are 15 editions. ISSN: 2308-4278 ISBN: 978-1-61208-171-7 Location: Lisbon, Portugal Dates: from November 20, 2011 to November 25, 2011 Articles: there are 56 articles Locating Zigbee Devices in a Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Network: an ESD-based Integrated Solution Stefano Tennina and Marco Di Renzo keywords: positioning service; communication protocol; ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4; system integration
An Adaptative Broadcast Scheme for VANET Applications in a High Density Context Florent Kaisser, Christophe Gransart, and Marion Berbineau keywords: vanet; broadcasting scheme; simulation; autoadaptive; scalability
ZeDDS -- Fault-Tolerant Data Management in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Users Jens Kamenik, Christoph Peuser, Volker Gollücke, Daniel Lorenz, Roland Piechocki, Merlin Wasmann, and Oliver Theel keywords: wireless sensor networks; distributed data storage; data replication
Learning Enhanced Environment Perception for Cooperative Power Control Panagiotis Spapis, George Katsikas, Makis Stamatelatos, Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, Roi Arapoglou, and Nancy Alonistioti keywords: co-existence; interference mitigation; cooperative power control; learning; data mining.
Study on secure mobile communication based on the hardware security module Junho Lee, Haeng-Seok Ko, SangHyun Park, Myungwon Seo, and Injung Kim keywords: hardware security; secure mobile communication
Personalized Security in Mobile Environments Using Software Policies Mhammed Chraibi, Hamid Harroud, and Abdelilah Maach keywords: mobility; security; software policies; context
MergeIA: A Service for Dynamic Merging of Interfering Adaptations in Ubiquitous System Sana Fathallah Ben Bbdenneji, Stephane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Gaetan Rey, and Michel Riveill keywords: software composition; self-adaptation; interfe-rence resolution; graph transformation
Dependability of Aggregated Objects, a pervasive integrity checking architecture Fabien Allard, Michel Banâtre, Fabrice Ben Hamouda-Guichoux, Paul Couderc, and Jean-François Verdonck keywords: Ambient computing; RFID; security
An Extension of RankBoost for semi-supervised Learning of Ranking Functions Faïza Dammak, Hager Kammoun, and Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou keywords: learning to rank; ranking functions; semi-supervised learning; RankBoost algorithm.
A DHT-based Scalable and Fault-tolerant Cloud Information Service Radko Zhelev and Vasil Georgiev keywords: Cloud, Information Service, DHT, Scalability
A 3D Simulation Framework for Safe Ambient-Assisted Home Care Carlos Velasquez, Christophe Soares, Ricardo Morla, Rui Silva Moreira, José Manuel Torres, and Pedro Sobral keywords: 3D simulation, safe home care, interference-free, reflective middleware, graph-based interference pruning
Voice Activated Interactive Ambient Information Display Angelina A Tzacheva, Keith J Bell, and Hillary B Miller keywords: ubiquitous computing, speech recognition, image collage, aesthetic display, human-machine interface.
An Analysis of Android Smartphones as a Platform for Augmented Reality Games Andrés López Sarmiento, Margarita Amor López, Emilio José Padrón González, and Carlos Vázquez Regueiro keywords: Augmented reality; Android; Positioning sensors; Image processing; Realistic image synthesis
Context-aware Multimedia Distribution to User Groups Filipe Cabral Pinto, Antonio Videira, and Nuno Carapeto keywords: Context-awareness, Ubiquitous Information Appliance, E-MBMS, MBMS, Efficiency, User Groups
Where's My Pixel? Multi-view Reconstruction of Smart LED Displays Carl Lewis, Angie Chandler, and Joe Finney keywords: Smart pixel; Vision-based localization; Visual communication; Machine vision; Pervasive computing.
A TCP Service Migration Protocol for Single User Multiple Devices Chi-Yu Li, Ioannis Pefkianakis, Bojie Li, Chenghui Peng, Wei Zhang, and Songwu Lu keywords: single-user, multi-device; TCP migration; naming; proxy
Increasing Usage Intention of Mobile Information Services via Mobile Tagging Susanne J. Niklas and Stephan Böhm keywords: Mobile Information Services, Mobile Tagging, Technology Acceptance
A Smart Control System Solution Based on Semantic Web and uID Esa Viljamaa, Jussi Kiljander, Juha-Pekka Soininen, and Arto Ylisaukko-oja keywords: Smart environment, M3, Semantic Web, uID, Ontology
Babel Multi-hop Routing for TinyOS Low-power Devices Antoine Hauck and Peter Sollberger keywords: Wireless mesh networks; Routing protocols; Low power electronics; Embedded software;
OLFServ: An Opportunistic and Location-Aware Forwarding Protocol for Service Delivery in Disconnected MANETs Nicolas Le Sommer and Yves Mahéo keywords: Opportunistic Service provision, Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Transforming Basic Robotic Platforms into Easily Deployable and Web Remotely Controllable Robots Yvon Autret, Jean Vareille, and Philippe Le Parc keywords: Ubiquitous robot, Web control, service robotics.
Performance Evaluation of Distributed Applications via Kahn Process Networks and ABSOLUT Subayal Khan, Jukka Saastamoinen, Jyrki Huusko, and Jari Nurmi keywords: ABSOLUT; Kahn Process Networks; GENESYS; distributed applications
The Interaction Analyzer: A Tool for Debugging Ubiquitous Computing Applications Nam Nguyen, Leonard Kleinrock, and Peter Reiher keywords: debugging, ubiquitous applications
Real-time Diagnosis of Ambient Environments Using a Modeling of Physical Effects Combined with Temporal Logic Ahmed Mohamed, Christophe Jacquet, and Yacine Bellik keywords: Ambient intelligence; ubiquitous systems; sensor; actuator; diagnosis; OWL; ontology; reasoning; physical law; temporal logic
Significance of Semantic Web in Facilitating HCI in Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning Naif Aljohani and Hugh Davis keywords: Mobile learning; m-learning; ubiquitous learning; u- learning; pervasive learning; p-learning ; HCI ; semantic web
Fault Tolerant Execution of Transactional CompositeWeb Services: An Approach Yudith Cardinale and Marta Rukoz keywords: Transactional Composite Web Services; Fault Tolerant Execution; Compensation; Backward Recovery.
Dynamic negotiation layer for secure Semantic Service Oriented Architectures Fabio Sanvido, Daniel Diaz-Sanchez, Florina Almenarez-Mendoza, and Andres Marin-Lopez keywords: Semantic services; SAML; ontology interoperability; semantic policy.
Fusing Camera and Wi-Fi Sensors for Opportunistic Localization Sam Van den Berghe, Maarten Weyn, Vincent Spruyt, and Alessandro Ledda keywords: Tracking; Camera; Background subtraction; Wi-Fi; fingerprint.
Cooperation in Ad Hoc Network Security Services - Classification and Survey José Montero-Castillo and Esther Palomar keywords: ad hoc networks; cooperation-based schemes; security services; classification; survey
Collaborative Knowledge Construction Using Concept Maps for Cross-cultural Communication Takahito Tomoto, Takako Akakura, Satoko Sugie, Yuri Nishihori, and Keizo Nagaoka keywords: CSCL; concept map; collaborative knowledge construction; cross-cultural communication
Performance Evaluation of Wireless IP Telephony (W-IPT) over Wi-Fi Networks Maan Kousa keywords: IP telephony; VoIP; Wi-Fi
Towards a Runtime Evolutionary Model of User Interface Adaptation in a Ubiquitous Environment Imen Ismail and Faouzi Moussa keywords: Ubiquitous computing; User Interface Adaptation, OWL; OWL-S; Ontology; Modeling; Petri-nets .
Capturing Mobile Devices Interactions Minimizing the External Influence Iván Pretel and Ana B. Lago keywords: Mobile services; quality in use; monitoring; user experience; HCI
Ubiquitous Computing Market and Companies in Finland Nina Koivisto keywords: UBI; ubicomp; ubiquitous computing
A New Model for context aware applications analysis and design Henryk Krawczyk and Slawomir Nasiadka keywords: context-aware; application model; interactive
Social Network-Based Course Material Transformations For A Personalized And Shared Ubiquitous E-Learning Experience Timothy Arndt and Angela Guercio keywords: adaptive e-learning; personalized e-learning; social networks; ubiquitous e-learning
Propensity to Use Smartphone Applications Hannu Verkasalo keywords: handset-based usage tracking; user experience research; context analysis; mobile audience measurements
Online Friend Recommendation through Personality Matching and Collaborative Filtering Li Bian and Henry Holtzman keywords: Collaboratie filterin; Friend recommendation; Social network; Reality projection; Social TV
UbiPOL: A Platform for Context-aware Mobile Device Applications in Policy Making Mihai Barbos, Habin Lee, Eugen Pop, and Luis Miguel Campos keywords: context; context-aware; Location-based Services; UbiPOL; mobile applications.
Healthcare Tomorrow: Toward Self-adaptive, Ubiquitous and Personalized Services Diletta Cacciagrano, Flavio Corradini, Rosario Culmone, Emanuela Merelli, and Leonardo Vito keywords: Ubiquitous computing; Self-adaptive systems; Ambient Assisted Living; Semantic Web.
Economic Aspects of Intelligent Network Selection: A Game-Theoretic Approach Jakub Konka, Robert Atkinson, and James Irvine keywords: network selection; economics; Digital Marketplace
On an Information Architecture for Mobile Applications Sathiamoorthy Manoharan keywords: Mobile applications; information organization; information architecture; browser-based mobile applications.
Communication system with SISO channel decoding using bit stuffing Natasa Zivic keywords: SISO channel decodig; bit stuffing; L-values; feedback; pucturing; segmentation
External Interference-Aware Distributed Channel Assignment in Wireless Mesh Networks Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes, and Bastian Blywis keywords: channel assignment, spectrum sensing, dynamic frequency selection, wireless mesh network
A Fast Bandwidth Request and Grant Method for IEEE 802.16 OFDMA/TDD Systems Namsuk Lee, Sookjin Lee, and Nam Kim keywords: ranging, bandwidth request, uplink scheduling
An Approach to Enhance the Timeliness of Wireless Communications Jeferson Souza and José Rufino keywords: medium access control, inaccessibility, wireless communication, real-time systems
Opportunistic spectrum sharing scheme for secondary WiFi-like devices in TV white spaces Bisera Jankuloska, Vladimir Atanasovski, and Liljana Gavrilovska keywords: Opportunistic spectrum access, TV white spaces, Spectrum sharing, Interference protection zone, Flexible channel widths, Central frequencies adjusment
Interference Control Technology for Heterogeneous Networks Junsik Kim, Kyongtak Cho, Byunghan Ryu, and Namhoon Park keywords: Interference, femtocell, LTE-Advanced
Mobile Learning (mLearning) Based on Cloud Computing: mLearning as a Service (mLaaS) Mohssen Alabbadi keywords: Cloud Computing; Cloud Computing Services; Education Technologies; Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education; Mobile Learning (mLearning); Personalized Learning; Web Services
Focus and Exploration in Contextual Relevance Mamdouh Eljueidi, Chiara Rossitto, and Ilaria Canova Calori keywords: contextual relevance; mobile learning; ubiquitous learning
Assistive Mobile Software for Public Transportation João Silva, Catarina Silva, Luis Marcelino, Rui Ferreira, and António Pereira keywords: Assistive software, mobility, accessibility, public transportation, Android
Mobility in a Personalized and Flexible Video-based Transmedia Environment Alcina Prata and Teresa Chambel keywords: HCI; mobility; video; transmedia; iTV
Pervasive Computing in Embedded Systems: Designing Cooperative Applications for Real Environments Alberto Zambrano Galbis keywords: embedded; smart space; WICO; security; middleware; context; ontology
Research Challenges for Cooperating Objects Pedro José Marrón, Daniel Minder, and Marco Zúñiga keywords: cooperating objects; research roadmap
Passive vs. Active Measurement: The Role of Smart Sensors Miklós Kasza, Vilmos Szűcs, Ádám Végh, and Tibor Török keywords: telemedicine; healthcare; smart sensors; measurement
Challenges in the Planning, Deployment, Maintenance and Operation of Large-Scale Networked Heterogeneous Cooperating Objects Pedro Jose Marron, Chia-Yen Shih, Richard Figura, Songwei Fu, and Ramin Soleymani keywords: Integrated Framework; Deployment Planning; Autonomous Deployment; Network Monitoring and Healing; Cooperating Objects